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Rudy had invited Hattie out for a meal with all his friends, aka, his cast mates. Hattie of course said yes, she loved being around Rudy and the people that he cared so much about.

Unfortunately, due to the invite Hattie had stressed for at least two hours about what to wear before Rudy knocked on her door with a bouquet of flowers telling her that it was time to go.

Hattie decided on wearing a long red dress, thanks to Madelyn and Madison who helped her choose it. She had told the girls about how she was stressing and didn't know it the dress was too formal, but both girls had told her that it was perfect and that she looked beautiful.

"Nervous?" Rudy questioned taking her hand in his.

"A little." Hattie admitted sheepishly, with a light blush. "I've met them all before but never this formal." Hattie took a brief pause. "Why is it so formal?"

"It's something that we do one a month, we all fully book a restaurant and then all have a huge sleepover." Rudy chuckled, he loved hanging out with his cast mates, they were all so close to each other and he knew he could rely on them for anything.

"That's adorable." Hattie complimented, linking hers and Rudy's hand. "Am i coming to the sleepover too?"

"Of course, i mean-if you want too." Rudy nervously chuckled.

"I do." The brunette nodded as they headed towards the restaurant.

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