Part 3

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Levi's PoV:
I looked at your little smirk and know there was more to you then that, then again I guess I didn't tell you everything so why would you tell me "you know incubus are only attracted to woman not males therefore there's something more to you then that, something darker something that perhaps controls you. You maybe a demon but your not from the same world as I am, I'm not even a demon it's just a small title given because it's Easter then saying prince of hell element of water....unless your not talking about sex, unless it's the darker side of you talking. You should know as a demon that other demons other then incubus have no ability to get horny or hard or in the mood to fuck we have no hormones in our body's to get us horny or hard unless we are touched for a seton amount of time so do you mean my power looks appetising to you. Demons are know to have great power expressly me and my brothers since we are a step above demons and a rank below Satin himself" I said putting a little smirk of my own on my face. I was going to work you out I know there was a hole new part to you and I needed to know it, one wrong move and I could ether hear, sense or smell the truth. One wrong thing and I could know if you owned the book I could know this other darker side to you. Being a demon was sometimes fun but very boring, this is probably the best mystery I have had to solve in over 60 years so I know I would enjoy this u less you mess it up quickly then I won't enjoy it that much, Ether way this might be fun. I looked at your phone then continued walking, I know were the gang base was of corse but I had to pretend I didn't so I looked over at your phone many times so I know were I was going or at lest looked like I was working out were we were going

Roman's PoV:
"I'm not all that powerful but I've made a couple deals with your daddy." I said in a more teasing tone knowing it wouldn't bother you. Killing basically everyone I knew may have been a bad idea but now I stood on my own and it was a lot of fun. I wasn't planning on spilling any time soon about the book, I didn't own it I was the thing you may be looking for inside the book. You'll probably treat me like the rest. "Your species confuses me, so I couldn't care less about it. We can smirk and intimidate but we both know neither sides are feeling the effects. You smell like a virgin, that's sad, get some game." I said just straight up insulting instead of anything else. "Also, I'm not interested in your power, just your body. Your status would make you so satisfying. Have your body screaming being so helpless and a completely begging for more, tied up and powers shut down and fading from your body as it quickly gets drained from energy slowly until you give into the pleasure. Yes, yes,- oh it makes me shiver. I want that so bad." I said mostly taking to myself and just under a mutter and my face blushing up chuckling infatuated by all the thought knowing it had been a couple days and I needed something like that so very badly. I was only at about half power at the moment but I wouldn't tell you any of that.
"Oh and I can tell when you tell little lies, why are you really trying to join? I know it's more than boredom, you want something, don't you, friend?" I asked knowing we weren't friends in the slightest as we just met and seemed to just be boasting back and forth. My inner ego was my downfall because I knew if things were how they were 500 years ago, I'd be forced to bow at your feet and I hated that idea of being submissive to someone like you, you don't even have me. Though, I knew you were stronger than me, at least people still know who I am. That was probably the only advantage I had and I couldn't boast it or everything will figure out. I'm not slipping up.

Levi's PoV:
I just stopped walking and turned around, I looked up at you not very impressed. I sighed as I looked at you with a very bank face "as I just said I have no sexual hormones, I won't feel the need to have sex unless someone touches me longer then 30 minutes on persific parts of my body you know that I just said it, you've been around 300 years it's simple demon knowledge read a book. I haven't gotten close enough to anyone to let them feel the need to touch me and I most deffrenetly don't feel the need to have you getting close and touching me. Plus your just a sex craving powerful fucking baby demon, why would I let someone as weak as you near a dark godlike creature like me. I might be forgotten but I'm still around hungry, craving the blood of whatever I can get my hands on even if it has to be you" I said as my eyes slowly changed, both my eyes turned into a coral reef. If you looked closely at them you would see the sea and a beautiful coral see in them, I don't know why my eyes did this when I was mad, angry or using at lest 3% of my power. I simply looked deep inside you and suddenly you feel to your knees, I could control any source of water and a body was made up of a lot of water. More importantly tough all living or immortal beings had water running through there blood, I controlled your water in your body and that's what made you fall onto your knees. There was no way to control your body not even using your own powers, maybe if you were commanded to escape from me you might have a chance but without a command you were powerless to get out. I walked over to you and grabbed your hair, I pulled your head back and made you look up at me. I moved the water in your arms so your arms went behind your back and your hands held each other. I looked down at you with a small smirk "I don't beg got that kid, I never beg and never to someone like you. When your my age you can come try aggravate me again but for now while your a young recluse useless powerless little Demon don't try face me got that, for your own good" I said as a warning before I let go of your hair. I turned around and my eyes went back to normal one being completely back and one being yellow, i stopped controlling the water in you and started walking away.

Gay roleplay story (Leviathan x Roman) Where stories live. Discover now