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--"Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it" -  Lloyd Alexander

-- "판타지는 현실에서 탈출하기가 어렵습니다. 그것을 이해하는 방법입니다"-로이드 알렉산더

| Chapter 5: "Hoekdeoks" |

"I'll give you a minute to come to my office, right now." A male voice speaks on the other line of the phone. And you don't have to think twice to guess who it belongs to.

Immediately standing up, you rush out of the classroom and start running to other side of the school.

"Wow. Not even a minute." Jungkook speaks once you get inside, hugging your knees and trying to catch your breath. Running is not really your thing, especially after the wound you got on your ankle.

"Speak what you need, Jeon." You say, irritated because of the fact the class is supposed to start any minute now.

"I'm hungry." He says, looking out of the window. Finally being able to breathe properly, you straight yourself up.

"Congratulations." He chuckles at your comment.

"Bring us some food, will ya,my  servant?"

"No." You say without hesitating. "My class should begin any second now. I came to this school to study, not to play, Jeon."

"Too bad." Jungkook replies, taking out your diary from his pocket and swinging it in your face. "Then i guess students will receive some fun informations about you today."

You know when cartoon characters get angry then bacome red and there is smoke coming out of their ears? That's definately a way you would look right now if you could.

You turn your foot away from him and start walking to the door, but his annoying presence just doesn't want to leave you alone. "Let's play a game, chipmunk." He says, moving his gaze away from the window and looking at you with a little grin.

"What kind of game?"

"Staring contest." You make a surprised expression and turn to face him.

"Starting contest? Are you serious?"

He exams your diary in his hand. "Dead serious, chipmunk." His big, dark eyes pierce right through you.

Why am i intimidated by you?

"If i win," he starts, placing your diary back on the shelf beside the desk, "you will have to go and grab some food for us."

Your brow raises. "And if i win?"

"That's kinda impossible,but if you win," the line of his lips curves into something, but you can't figure out whether that is smirk, or maybe even a slightl smile. "i will let you go back to your precious class."

So all i have to do is not blink?

"Alright." As you say that, he comes near you, closer than you would like him to.

"Start the time." He signalises to Jin to put the timer on. "Now."

Seokjin starts counting the time, and you open your eyes wide, as well as Jungkook and you both narrow your gazes into each other.

Mr. Prince, you are dead | | j.jk. x reader Where stories live. Discover now