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"I rebel. Therefore, i exist."

"반란군. 그러므로 존재한다." 🥀

| Chapter 9: "why did you save me?"|

Even having Jungkook standing in front, protectively and suspicious, doesn't stop you from staring at Taehyung.

He is nothing like you imagined. Imagination 5, real life 1000.

"You know him, chipmunk?" Jungkook suddenly asks, question directed to you while he glares at Taehyung.

Taehyung chuckles and looks at you. "Chipmunk?"

You slightly blush and wave with your hands. "N-nothing! He just likes to joke a lot, that's all!"

"Are you embarrased of me, chipmunk?" Jungkook slightly turns around and looks at you. "Why hide our relationship?"

Taehyung's eyes widen a little. "Relationship? You two are together?"

"NO!" You yell, frustrated. "I would never be with this idiotic maniac right here!"

You look at Taehyung and make a 'i'll explain later' look. He seems to understand it right away as he nods with a slight warm smile decorating his perfect face.

"Why are you even here?" Mr. Idiot questions, returning his attention to guy in front of him. "Shouldn't you be in Europe or something?"

"I see you didn't miss me a single bit, did you Kook?" Taehyung sadly chuckles, facing the floor for a second.
"You don't even know where i was."

"Who exactly are you to call me that?" Jungkook returns, harshly.

"Jeon.." you grab his sleeve, wanting him to stop.

"Don't worry, i didn't come to see you, your majesty." Taehyung replies, shifting his gaze on your figure. "I came to visit my friend. Do i have to ask you for permission to do that?"

Jungkook clenches his jaw. "If that friend is my servant, then yes, you do."

Taehyung lifts his eyebrow. "Serv-?" He makes an "o" sound in relasation. "he's the guy you told me about?" He whispers so that only you can hear. You nod, glaring at the guy beside you.

"You're too close to him." Jungkook grabs your arm and puts you behind him again.

"How come you're here, Taehyung?" You ask, pretending like you don't have huge, scary guy protecting you right now. "Weren't we supposed to meet in the city later?"

You notice he doesn't have any bag with him, which means he arrived earlier and already put his things in his apartment. "My aunt is working in this shop." He explains. "I came to say hi before going to wait for you."

Jungkook's shoulders tenses. "You were going to meet with him later?!" He snapps, looking at you deadly in the eye.

You felt like spitting on his precious face again. But it's not the time nor place to do that.

"Yes, i was supposed to. Until you, Mr. Idiot decided to interrupt my plans!" You snap back.

You two hold strong eye contact for a while. "Listen here." He starts in intimidating voice, "you signed that contract. In it didn't write that you're only working on school days. Which means i can call you even on the middle of the night on weekends if i want to!"

Mr. Prince, you are dead | | j.jk. x reader Where stories live. Discover now