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✨"The darkness takes him over, sickness pulls him in; his eyes- blown out candle, I wish to go with him. Sometimes I see a flicker- a light that shone from them; I hold him close to me tightly, before he's gone again." ✨

✨"어두움이 그를 데려 가고 병이 그를 끌어 당기고 그의 눈이 촛불을, 고 나는 그와 함께 가고 싶다. 때때로 나는 그들에게서 빛을 발하는 깜박 거림을 볼 것이다. 다시." ✨

|Chapter 24:"trust losing."|

Party's going pretty smooth, an hour passed since it's beggining and everyone's having fun, including you and Eun Jung. Not even Jungkook remains immune to the music beat.

"Chipmunk, I'm going to grab something real quick." Jungkook whispers in your ear, making sure you hear him because of all music. As you nod, he quickly kisses your cheek and leaves the room.

Once he's out of sight, a hand clapping sound fills your ears and every other sound stops. All of you direct your attention to the person who's standing beside the TV now- Yuna.

"Attention please!" She yells and grabs the remote, everyone staring at both her and the screen. "I made a presentation which I would like to show, so watch carefully."


Yuna lends you a glance and smirks before direction her eyes to the TV. As she clicks the button, your picture appears and confusion takes place on your expression.

"See this girl?" She starts, talking as her gaze swims around the room, avoiding your own on purpose. "This girl claims the place of one of the smartest girl in school. She worked hard to get in here, thanks to her perfect grades and schoplarship. But turns out, she's as dumb as the table."

No one dares to speak. It's too quiet, only sound of your heartbeat pumping in your ears. Yuna watched your powerless reaction with amused smile, having her arms crossed on her chest and looking like she's about to end your life right here and now.

Your blood becomes cold and veins freeze, heart sunking down in your feet upon seeing the next picture.

"This girl, Byul y/n seriously thinks of Jeon Jungkook as her boyfriend. Most popular, handsome student this school ever had. So tell me, just why do you think guy like him would ever land a finger on this stick?"

There's no way to figure out what's hurting more. Hearing those words from her mouth, all bad about you, or staring at the picture of Jungkook, someone who you thought is only about you, making out with your rival Yuna.

"Jungkook and I have been together from the very beggining. He told me to stay quiet and pretend like we aren't, all of this was his plan to break your poor little heart." She explains.

All becomes numb. Your body doesn't react, just stays there like a statue, feeling suffocated by this informations.

"He hated you for having guts to stand up against him. Who even are you to raise your voice at him? Just a poor girl, way out of school's legue."

A simple slap would hurt less than this. Is it all true?
That would explain the contract, him wanting you to serve him and him to play with you.
Jungkook would get you to love him, then leave you like everyone does, breaking your heart that way. Is that what he's planning on doing?

Mr. Prince, you are dead | | j.jk. x reader Where stories live. Discover now