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"People are afraid of themselves, nowdays. They have forgotten the highest of all duties, the duty that one owns to one's self." - Oscar Wilde 💭

"사람들은 요즘 자신을 두려워한다. 그들은 가장 높은 의무, 자기 자신에 대한 의무를 잊었다." -오스카 와일드 💭

|Chapter 27:"Heavy goodbyes"|

With slow and lifeless steps, you enter your apartment and quietly close the door behind. It's quiet, as expected, considering that it's too early in the morning for your family to be awake.

Yes, you spended the whole night in the hospital, waiting for anything to happen. But, this thing wasn't even in the back of your mind. There were supposed to be great news, for Jungkook to wake up probably.

But now, you won't be there when that happens.

If it happens.

As you're taking shoes off, your mother's sleepy and messy figure appears from one of the bedrooms, with her eyes half closed. She makes her way to the bathroom, but suddenly turns around upon feeling presence behind her and finds you in the middle of the hall.

"Wow, when did you come? Weren't you supposed to stay till tomorrow?" She asks, now wide awake as she slowly approaches you. You lift your head to look at your mom. Doing that, you notice clear worry beginning to appear in woman's eyes, them not moving from yours.

"What's wrong sweetie?" She comes close and puts her hands around your shoulders. Your lips begin to tremble, strong need to cry suddenly hitting in. Your arms wrap around the woman and break down. Everything that has been wanted to be let out burns both your lungs and heart. Only sobs and loud crying are heard from you now.

Mother gets taken aback by the sudden outburst of her daughter, but the mother's instinct kicks in and she returns the hug, tightly holding your fragile form in her warm arms, her hand carresing your back.

"Shh, mom is here. Everything's okay."

But it's not okay mom. It's not.

"What's happening here?" A male voice joins in the hall, wearing the same messy hair and same pair of half opened eyes as your mother. But they instantly open wide once they fall on your crying self. "What's wrong? Why are you crying babygirl?" Your father asks worriedly and pats your back as well.

You finally release the hug and look at both of your parents, the look on their faces only making you want to cry more. There is something that you decided on the way home and it's not the moment to tell them that.

It's easier said than done, there is a huge lump in your throat that's preventing words from coming out. However, this needs to be done, for the sake of everyone. Maybe not really yours, but that can be pushed aside for now, you could never put yourself in the first place anyway.

"Mom, Dad, I have to tell you something." You speak out after gulping down the lump and other two people seem to be all ears.

"I.. I want.. I want to leave this school and move away."

For a couple of seconds, they just stare at you, before exchanging gazes between each other and quickly returning them to you. "Where did that come from? Is something wrong with the school?"

"No, the school's fine." Half lie. "But I want to experience living in another town, which means changing school as well. Beside, I want to switch to public school, private is too big of a responsability."

That's not a lie actually. Within this few months that you're attending  Dwight, there was always guilt hidden inside, for all money that your parents had to give away to be able to get such an opportunity. No matter how happy you were, it was too much. And with all those incidents happening, you slowly started to lose interest for it, but wanted to stay because of the schoolarship. This thing was just the final hit to make such a decision.

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