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"From my weakness, I drew strenght that never left me." - Jorge Luis Borges 💭

"나의 약점에서 나는 결코 나를 떠나지 않는 힘을 얻었다." -호르헤 루이스 보르헤스 💭

|Chapter 29:"Paintings and calls"|

Once the diary is closed and pen rested on the desk, you pick up the phone which is buzzing. Reading the called ID, a small smile creates when Taehyung's name popps up.

"Hey." You say after picking up the call.

"Hey, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing okay this morning, thanks. What about you?"

There are some small sounds in the backround of the other line, something like paper and painting brushes against each other. "I'm great. Did you get enough sleep?"

You sigh. "Not really."

"That thing again?"

You humm in responce. It's quiet on Taehyung's side for some seconds, which is, weirdly, not making you feel uncomfortable. "y/n," Taehyung starts, "you know I'll be here for everything you need. You're not alone in this."

Those simple two sentences are enough to warm your heart. He's right, he's got your back at all times. You're beyond grateful for meeting a person like him. Seems like he's the only light in this dark times.

"Thanks Taehyung, I appreciate it." You respond through a smile, which Taehyung hears and smiles as well. "Are there any changes?"

Hearing the question, Taehyung stops moving the brush against the paper, and sighs quietly through his nose. "Still nothing. In this two weeks, he only moved a finger couple of times, but is still uncounsious."

One more knife stabs your chest. It's a lost count how many there are. "Okay. Thank you, Tae."

Taehyung starts dragging the brush with a black paint on the tip across the paper. There's no effort needed, his hand is working on it's own. "What would you do if he was to find you?"

Good question, but the answer is already there. "I hardly doubt he would want to talk to me, but if he was to do that, I would push him away."

"Why's that?"

"Because I bring missfortune to people. I don't want to hurt him again nor anyone else, he should stay away from me. Now that I think about it, you should to. You're too precious to be hurt."

Boy stops his movements and lets his hand fall beside his hip, continuing to stare at the almost-finished painting he's been working on for a while now.
"Don't even think about me leaving you. Because that's not happening."

His words do sound sincere, and you know he's not going to leave, no matter how much you want him to.

That's the thing. You don't want him to do that.

"Let's push aside all the dark thoughts now, hm? It's good weather today, what are you gonna do?"

You stand up from the work desk and lean the phone on your shoulder, using both hands to open the closet and searching for a white shirt and black skirt. "I have work today. How about you?"

"Goodluck with work. I'm going easy today, it's my free day so just relaxing I guess."

"It sounds like you're relaxing, I keep hearing some drawing sounds."

Taehyung slightly widens his eyes but covers the akward silence with throat clearing. "Ye-yeah, just.. trying.. to draw something.. haha."

You furrow your brows at his sudden voice change.

"Anyhow, don't overwork yourself, okay? I'll call you tomorrow. Gotta go now."

"Mhm, okay. Bye." With that, both of you end the call. You stare at the phone for some longer, smiling before putting it aside and getting ready for work.

On the other hand, Taehyung places his hand on his heart, scared that he got caught. Truth is, he's preparing a little surprise for you, to cheer you up. He wouldn't want to get revealed so soon, there's still so many things unfinished on that painting.

Guess he'll have to be more careful about it.


"Here's your latte, enjoy." Placing two cups of latte on the table, you smile to the lovely couple who took a seat in the cafe you're working in. They both return the smile and you waste no time in leaving them alone.

"y/n, can you wipe the windows today?" One of your coworkers, Eunji asks. It's usually her who does that, but you notice her helping around some decorations inside the cafe.

Of course, you nod and take the cloth, going to the window with the backyard view and start wiping that one first. You can't help but to throw some glances to the couple, sitting in one of the tables outside and obviously enjoying in each other's talks and stories. Whatever they're talking about, must be pretty funny of they are laughing so much.

Both of them aren't old. Maybe just a few years older than you. One thing is for sure, their love is visible from miles away.

The way boy looks at the girl reminds you of the way Jungkook used to look at you, in the good old times.

The cloth is no longer moving against the glass, it's just you standing there and staring at the couple. It doesn't take long before girl gets some of the cream on her bottom lip. Boy takes her chin gently, makes her face him and kisses her.

Something inside twitches around your heart. The memory of your first kiss flashes through your mind. The first one, who was taken away by Jungkook. The few after that were also done by him. It's been so long, but some faint taste of his lips is still tingling on your own. It appeared just now, when you started thinking about it.

Could it all be different? If you accepted his love from the beginning. If your love wasn't created by some servant contract. Would he now hold your hand instead of leaving it cold and empty?

Who knows.

Past can't be changed. It's up to you to avoid Jungkook and let him live a happy life.

You clear your throat and look away before the couple can catch the stare.

Get yourself together, y/n. You have work to do.


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