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✨"Whatever is done for love always occurs beyond good and evil." - Friedrich Nietzsche  ✨

✨"사랑을 위해 행하는 것은 항상 선과 악을 넘어서 일어난다." - 프리드리히 니체 ✨

|Chapter 38:"Roomates."|

In the following day, a few knocks on the door is what wakes you up. With hair messy and eyes half closed, you crawle out of the bed and open the door, being greeted by the sight of a woman in her nightwear.

"I'm sorry for waking you up," she speaks gently, "but is this boy maybe your friend or something?"

Boy? What boy?

It's then when the memory of yesterday hits you like a train and you snap out wide awake, peeking your head to the hall to see where the woman is pointing at.

There he is, in the same position as yesterday. Just this time, his eyes are closed, lips slightly parted and light snores coming out of his mouth. Almost whole path is blocked by his long legs.

"I saw you two yesterday walking together and you had same uniforms, so I thought you could be friends?" Woman speaks again and you look at her, smilling nervously. "I don't know why he sleeps on the floor, but could you wake him up or call in your apartment? People will start waking up for their jobs now, I bet he doesn't want to be seen snoring in the hall."

She's right. It's no human to leave someone sleeping that way. Jungkook looks homeless in this moment.

It's not exactly that you mind- maybe that will cause him to go back home, if he can't live here anymore for some reason. But, he would've done it already, wouldn't he?

"Uh, yeah, okay. I'll wake him up, sorry for the trouble."

"Wow, nice apartment!" Jungkook comments as he steps inside your living room.

Yes. In the end, you decided to be a good person you are and at least talk to Jungkook about what was he doing in front of the door. This whole 'stay away from Jungkook' plan is already misserably failing, so why not add more to it? It's better to invite him than to have him barge in your apartment in the middle of the night by himself.

He immediately goes and jumps on the couch as you place his bags aside.

"Omg my butt hurts from all that sitting on a hard floor." He admits, straighting up and sitting on the couch. You take a seat opposite and stare at him until he notices.


"Why were you there in the first place?" You ask.

He shruggs. "I didn't pay rent?"

Your brows furrow and you blink fastly a couple of times. How can he be so casual about it?

"You didn't do what?! How can you not pay rent? You have plenty of money with you."

He shruggs again. "Not anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"I threw all money and credit cards in my grandfather's face yesterday. He said that I can't survive here without their money, so I wanted to prove them that it's not all about it. Even without Jeon's money, I'm still Jungkook. And I want to show them that I can stand on my own, I don't need them. Unfortunately, seems like my father called the landlady and told her about my little.. issue."

While he explains, you don't move, don't blink, don't breathe. He speaks about it like it's nothing!

You chuckle in disbelief. "It didn't look like you could handle that on your own back there."

"But I know someone who could help me..?" He looks at you with puppy eyes.

You point at yourself. "Me? Seriously? You're expecting help from me?"

He nods innocently. "Yes?"

You cross your arms and lean deep in the chair. "And why would I do that?"

"Because you're a good person and you still love and want to be near me even when you deny it and you're not the type of person to leave people at their worst."

Hold up. He really looks up at you that way? "Have you ever lived without money? You do know how it is, don't you?"

He shakes his head no.

"Never? Like never ever?"

He shakes it again.

You sigh. "You do realise I can barely cover my rent and everything with my payment at the cafe? How am I supposed to cover for the two of us?"

He draws a sorry expression. Or at least tries to.

"Listen up. I do not know why you're so determinanted to stay here when you can easily go back to your mansion and live a great life. But if you already made your mind, you can stay here with me."

Jungkook grins widely and extends his arms open.

"But I have contidions."

His expression visibly falls.

"First- do NOT go near my bed. Second- absolutely do NOT leave your dirty laundry around the floor.
And last but not least- try not to spend money on unnecessary things, okay?"

He thinks about it. "That's okay I guess. Not a big deal."

"Then I guess from today onwards, I will pay for your food. Oh and.." you take something out of your wallet. "I'm giving you some money if you need it for emmergency. JUST for emmergency. Understand?"

"Um, okay."

A genious idea. Again. "Since I'm doing you a huge favor, I'm expecting you to pay off this debt."

"How?" He asks.

You smile evily. "Be my servant."

"Hey!" He snaps. "You're taking advantage of me now!"

"I wonder who took advantage of me when we first met, huh?" That causes no more words to come out of his mouth. Probably you hit the nerve. But it's fair. He's getting warm bed and food, what did you get back then?

"So then, I guess we're roomates now?"

"Don't think much about it."


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