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"It's just life. You can't beat life." - Alice Munro 💭

"그것은 단지 인생이다. 당신은 인생을 이길 수 없다." - 앨리스 먼로 💭

|Chapter 25:"The one to blame."|

"Jungkook!" As a bloody scream escapes your throat, you rush to the spot, trying to remain some balance while doing so.

After what seems like years, a head pops up far away from the path, unstoppable water just bringing the poor boy in deeper and farther. But as quickly as it appears, it vanishes again.

Your small figure is nothing against the unbelievably strong wind, it makes you stumble backwards until you no longer feel anything underneath your feet. Next thing you know, you're pulled in the icy water. As a swimmer, you quickly manage to swim up to the surface, but as on purpose, it's bringing you in the opposite direction of where Jungkook's at.

No matter how hard you fight against it, it's no use. The fact the waves digs your head deep under them every other seconds is not even bothering you at this point.

Jungkook is the one who's struggling to keep up. And you're powerless. Just being able to watch from the big distance.

It seems like years pass before three figures are seen going out of the house, all three jumping in the water without hesitation, two going in your direction.

Every single muscle in your body feels like being stabbed by knifes, your legs eventually becoming more heavy, making it ten times harder to keep up.

Just as you're about to give up, two pair of arms wrapp around you and pull your head above the surface and instantly swimming towards the beach. You recognise the faces- Jimin and Jin.

"J-Jungkook is-"

"We know! Namjoon hyung is with him!" Jimin quickly answers on your statement, leaving the water with you in his arms and landing you safely on the sand. Jin secures you to sit down as soon as Jimin runs off to find the rescue tire and you attend to follow him.

His hands rest on your shoulders and he gently hits your back to help you cough out all the water from your lungs. All the cold water made your face and body numb, it trembling as your lips become purple. Due to numbness, you don't feel tears that are unstoppably streaming down.

Jungkook's life is in danger.

You follow Jimin's movements with your eyes as he finds the rescue tire and throws it quite far, nearly reaching two boys hanging for their lifes.

To you, it looked just like two head figures, dissapearing and then appearing again. But Namjoon was holding Jungkook by his waist and trying to keep his uncounsious form above. Having to carry the weight of two bodies and prevent them from drowning in the madness like this was a superhero's job.

Namjoon's legs were begging to touch the ground, being tired of feeling nothing under them. He put all his strenght to swim towards the rescue tire and put it around Jungkook. It prevents him from moving any farther as the other end of the rope was tightly wrapped around the tree on the beach.

Jimin swims and grabs Jungkook's waist, and litteraly carrying his figure back to safety, Jin helping with pulling the rope.

Namjoon is quickly to follow from behind, but there's no warning as his legs suddenly give up due to tiredness and he just lets the water do whatever it wants. So it just flies above his head

and clapps him down.

Jimin is so focused on swimming to the front, thinking that Namjoon is right behind him that he doesn't even feel the need to look behind.

After what seems like hours, two boys finally arrive to the safe land, smaller one dropping the younger's uncounsious body down on the sand and you waste no time in rushing to them.

"Wait, where's Namjoon?!" Jin suddenly asks, causing both you and Jimin to look back at the water. However, it's just water there. No sign of any figure.

Your heart burns even more. There are weights of two souls on your shoulders now. Unbelievably heavy.

It's your fault.
You're the one to blame.

"Call for help, Jungkook is not breathing!"

Mr. Prince, you are dead | | j.jk. x reader Where stories live. Discover now