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✨"Odd things made him love her." - Jhumpa Lahiri✨

✨"이상한 일 때문에 그를 사랑하게되었습니다." - Jhumpa Lahiri ✨

|Chapter 32:"Voice."|

Walking towards school, a group of boys comes closer to the view. They are just as pervy as always, yelling and whistling at the girls who are passing by.

When it's your turn to walk past, a hand appears in front, blocking your way. "What a gorgeous lady we have here, huh?" The one beside you states.
"Wanna have some fun?"

Of course, you try to take the other way and escape this closeness. First reason, his smell. It's disgusting. As you try to move, his body follows and just stands in front of you.

Hearing more girls behind and not wanting them to get in the same trouble, you get a genious idea, deciding to play along.

You move your eyes up and down boy's body, bitting your bottom lip. Something you heard boys love. "Sure, why not? But not here."

A smirk plasters on male's lips, the rest of the gang joining in.

They really think they're getting some meal today, huh?

Noticing the girls coming closer, you turn to the empty sidewalk and start walking there, boys walking after and stealing a view or two of your back.

Being sure you brang them away from the school way, you turn to face the horny boys and stop the hand which just started leaning close to your body, being quick to bend down, secure the male's waist on your shoulder and flip him over it in an instant.

Hitting his back harshly on the ground, boy lets out a painful groan. You straight up and tightly grab an arm of another one who also wanted to touch you, twisting it behind his back and trip his leg. He hisses at the pain in his arm and the side of his face landing on the cold ground.

You clean your hands from the dirt and look around. "Anyone else want some fun?"

Wide eyed, they immediately shook their heads and just fastly walked away from you, the two standing up from the ground and doing the same.

"Make sure not to come near school again!" You add. They surely heard you.

Those whole taekwondo lessons really didn't flop, did they? They can be used for protecting like this.

The time you needed someone else's protecting is long gone. It was time to test out this skills, and now was the perfect opportunity.

Turning around, you're greeted with a clapping sound of a few students who appeared out of nowhere. It seems they liked your skills that much? You just stare wide-eyed, shocked by their presence itself. Smiling akwardly, you side-walk to get away. No overal attention needed, especially right before school.


Arriving at school soon after, few students raise their gazes from their phones and look at you. "Is it that girl from the video?"

"Yes, it's her!"

Before knowing it, some of them approach you. Too close of an approaching, you would say. "How did you do it?"

"You seem to strong bearing two guys by yourself, wow!"

Turns out someone filmed it? Why make an elephant out of a mouse? It was a normal thing to do when you're being told words like that. It's normal wanting to know some self-defence. It's nothing wow, really.

"W-well, I did some training. I can start lessons every morning if you want me to!" You say, feeling kind of inspired to bring some knowledge about this kind of stuff on others.

What surpises you, those students just make faces of 'no' expression and back away.

What's wrong with this generation and waking up some minutes earlier, seriously?

Guess the video is going so be a flop now.

Not that you mind, it's better staying out of an attention circle.



"Enjoy your night, Eunji!" Is what you shout, breaking the hug and walking away from your friend after just finishing the shift in a cafe.

"You too!" She shouts back before her back faces you. You also turn to the front and make the way towards the apartment you're staying in.

It's night already, both school and work being done for the day. As a person who's already used to walking at this time, you're feeling relaxed, not in a hurry of arriving home.

There's a slight pain felt on your scalp, considering the tight ponytail you have to wear at work every day. Guess your hair is just not used to being tied up that much.

After letting out a puff of shaky breath, your mind wondered of Namjoon for a second. He seemed like a person who would enjoy walking in the warm weather like these, especially in the night time.

He was a great person.


A word that can be so painful used in that contest.

A sentence coming from behind stops you in tracks. It's not the sentence itself, but the voice which says it.

"I'm sorry, but is this yours?"


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