Chapter 6

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It had been a month now since Germany has gotten his memories back. I still haven't talked to him properly about it. I was to scared to get rejected by him. What I mean is.... I always dreamed about Holy Rome, that he'd come back and that we'd live together forever, but now it seems to unreal to be true. Germany isn't like Holy Rome at all, not that I mind, but he's a lot more distanced and colder than Holy Rome was. So what if he doesn't feel the way I feel? I can't risk to lose him again, not if I have the chance to do otherwise. Romano asked me a few time, wheater I was alright. I'd tell him yes, but he doesn't seem to believe me. Well, my fratello always knew, when something was wrong with me. That's how I know him.
After the happenings with Germany, I even stopped sneaking into his bed at night.... I kind of miss it though.

Right now I'm preparing dinner for me, Germany and Romano, who came to visit, along with Spain. They even brought fresh tomatoes with them! "So how have you been doing, has the potato bastard treated you well?", fratello asked. I smiled at him and answered: "Vee~ I've been doing very well! Germany is as kind as ever."
Romano just made a 'tch' sound. I guess he still doesn't like Germany much. "Vee~ smells good! I'm going to get Germany. Would you please get the plates and lay the table?", I asked as Spain and Romano agreed. While they did what I asked for, I knocked on Germany's door. "Come in.", he called out. I gently pulled the door open. "Vee~, food is ready, Doitsu."
The blonde looked up from his papers at me, with a slightly annoyed look on his face. "Not today, Italy. Maybe I heat it later...", he said and averted his gaze, looking back at the papers. I let out a small, sad sigh, as I turned around to leave. Just before I got out, I heard a quiet 'Thank you' from behind. My smile returned and I closed the door behind me.

I returned to the kitchen, where Spain and fratello already got the dishes. "Buon Appetito. I hope you like it!", I cheered as we started eating. "Why isn't Germany eating? Did you have a fight?! If yes, then go over to him and talk. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.", Spain suddenly noted. Fratello smacked him on the back of his head. "Don't be stupid! Potato bastard is propably only busy with work!", he nagged. I chuckled. "Yes, he's just busy. Vee~ no need to worry."
Just as I thought we had finished with the subject, Romano spoke up. "But I have to admit, Spain got a point. You have been rather distanced with Germany lately." This time his voice was calmer than usual, he also didn't use a cuss word instead of his real name. I still haven't told them about the events from a month ago.... the others didn't seem have to either. My gaze lowerd as I began: "Vee~ where do I start? Germany uuh, no Holy Rome.... is 'back'. He got badly injured during war, that's why Prussia and France, along with England, decided it would be better if he changed his identity.... What I wanted to say is, Germany is the Holy Roman Empire." Spain looked at me blankly, while Fratello's expression darkened. He shot up from where he was sitting, and mumbled some words like 'that idiot' and stuff. It didn't take me long to realise what's going on in his mind. But he was faster and ran towards the office. Spain and I tried to hold him back, but we couldn't. He pushed the door open and slammed his fist on Germany's desk. He startled. "You bastard! How could you just mess with Italy's feelings like that!" "What are you talking about?", Germany defended himself, which made Romano even agrier. "Don't play dumb! You know what I mean Germany, or should I say Holy Rome?! How could you leave my fratello like that?! Just becuase your empire failed, you thought a new identity would make everything better! It wasn't you, who had to watch his little baby brother cry himself into sleep. It wasn't you who had to see him in pain for so many years. It wasn't--" "I didn't know about it either! Do you really think I would've hurt Italy like that on purpose?! Do you really think that low of me! I would never hurt the person I love ever.....", Germany butted in, his voice fainted as he mumbled the last part. For the first time in my life I saw this expression on my brother's face. It was filled with shock and quild.... and respect? "Romano.... I guess it's better if we leave.", Spain spoke up, grabbing Romano's arm. I was still in a state of shock. My mind was wondering around. Did he really mean what he said? "We'll leave. Sorry for my being such an asshole. Goodbye.", Romano apologized as he and Spain left. Germany looked at me with a frown and said: "We have to talk."

This was the next chapter of the story. I guess the end comes nearer. But finally some action! After the bunch of boring crap I wrote, something interesting is happening XD
Hope you guys liked it though!
Byeee and see you hopefully in the next chapter <3

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