Chapter 01

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Rose's POV

The lamp crashed on the wall across the room as I placed my hands on my ears trying to drown down the sound of it. "Get out! Now!" said Eran as my heart came in my mouth in disbelief of what exactly I just heard. "God, you are such a little brat, I don't even understand what the hell was I thinking when I fell for you" he said more. Every single word that came out of his mouth felt like he just plunged a sharp knife through my belly and the blood came out as oceans of saltwater through my eyes.

"You seem so proud that I can't live without you, that I come after you every single time we fight, well there you go! I set you free, leave and never show me your face again" damn he keeps on twisting the knife. I clutched my chest as if that attempt is going to calm my racing heart. My tears weren't flowing anymore because I felt my world spinning. The silence after he said the words was way too loud and I feared if my sob came out he would pounce at me.

We were the best, everything about us was way too good. We had such a fantastic start. However, throughout the course of the previous two years, our once beautiful relationship has deteriorated and I'm not even surprised. The past I had would be impossible for anyone to accept. I didn't have the strength to forgive myself for the heinous sins I had committed. I was unable to look in the mirror the same way I once did. But my naive heart was under the false impression of Eran forgiving me.

I nodded as I looked towards him and my eyes were only blessed with the sight of the back of his head as his right fist was holding a handful of his silky hair and his left hand was grabbing his perfectly shaped waist. My eyes let down another drop of tear as I felt it hit the floor. His entire body was moving up and down as he was breathing rapidly igniting flames of rage.

Despite all these, I still silently hoped to hold his hand to calm my racing heart. I hoped to see his Cheshire cat smile because no anger, no hard feelings were strong enough in front of his big bright smile. I wanted to forget that this moment ever existed because I didn't want to lose him, I wanted to carry on this charade a bit more.

I opened my mouth wanting to say that I was sorry and that let's just try again and make this work but I guess, it's all too late. Voice escaped my throat  and all I could do was just simply nod and intake all of his poison and let it burn me to death.

I am certain that he noticed me nodding because of the dark reflection of my face on the glass pane in front of him. It is snowing outside and it is so damn late at night and yet I did what I was asked to. Grabbing my coat from the coat hanger in where we used to hang our coats everyday after work and cuddle afterwards pretending to be the happy couple, I slowly put my feet in my boots.

I once more stole a little glance towards him and he was still staring at my reflection waiting for me to leave his sight and house. I rubbed my tears and grabbed the phone and left afterwards shutting the door to our house of happiness and left him.

Left us..

Seven Years Ago

"What did you do?" asked Veronica as her eyes moved around my blood soaked shirt. I was immobile as tears streamed into my eyes. My cunning mind is clouded with thousands of questions that I'm surprised to not have the answers to. It was supposed to feel peaceful, wasn't it? I thought I was meant to be pleased and proud of my vengeance. Wasn't this all I had hoped for from the start? Why does it still hurt then? Why do I feel that my mother isn't beaming with pride from the heavens above? Why isn't the calm I was hoping for coming from having his blood on my hand?

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