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Well hello everyone! Who's excited about book three?? I'm stoked!! 

As I did for Faith, there are a few disclaimers and things I want to address before we start the story. This story, like the previous ones, (Arlington, and Faith) will talk about mental health issues. These discussions are fictional but based on my personal interruptions of these things. 

This story is also going to discuss being homeless, although I have feared for the roof over my head many times in my life, I have never actually been homeless. This is a fictional representation of what a character might experience combined with research I did while writing. But none the less I want to include a few links about what it's like to be homeless, also this character is also a POC so there will be a few links for that too. I am an American and it would be truly neglectful of me not to touch on this. 

If you have any questions, as always feel free to reach out to me, my DM's are always open :) 







It's a time like this, the strongest and most effective thing we can do is educate ourselves, and continue to educate compassionately. 


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