Chapter Twenty-One

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THE BONUS UPLOAD OF THE NIGHT! Thanks for all the love everyone ❤️ 

Believe it or not, we only have about nine chapters left? But don't worry 👀 the series isn't over yet.

Chapter Twenty-One

"Thank you again for letting me sleep here for the night," I say to Julie as I pack my bag. She is always so gracious and welcoming whenever I visit, and I genuinely appreciate it.

"You are a lot quieter than any of Mason's other friends, so you are always welcome," Julie says with a wink. I try to smile at her joke, but I know it doesn't quite reach my eyes.

"Yeah his dojo buddies are loud," I say.

"You've met them?" Julie asks surprised.

"I horned in on one of their group sparring sessions one day when I wanted some more practice," I say with a laugh.

"Mason really cares about you Zana, it's been hard since we lost Mabel," Julie says as we strip the couch.

"I know, I see the look in his eyes whenever he talks about her..." It's the same look Thalia gets whenever she looks at the single photo she keeps of her mother, it's a pain I can't describe but I wish I could take away.

"Thank you, teaching you to spar it has helped him heal," Julie admits.

"He's helped me out a lot as well, and it's nice to have a friend," I admit.

"You are always welcome here dear," she says as I pick up my bag. I had changed out of my Aegis pants earlier before she woke up.

"Thank you," I say genuinely, and she hugs me before I leave.

Walking back down the street, I don't know where to go now. I don't exactly want to go down to the shelter right now and I have nowhere else to go except the library. I know there is a public library around here somewhere. Turning my phone back on it nearly explodes from the number of notifications that roll in. looking through it I have a missed call from Greyson and twelve from Thalia, I also have a few messages from Aviva and a few other calls from Cathleen.

Ignoring them all I look up the address for the local library and start walking there. I am halfway there when another call comes through, from Faith. I debate answering it but decide I should answer her.


"There you are! Do you know what is like having two of the most powerful women in the city breathing down your neck all night?" Faith asks annoyed before she starts laughing. I would rather not have to deal with anyone from the team when they are angry or worried.

"I'm afraid I cannot relate to that, is everything alright?"

"Aviva and Cathleen have been trying to get a hold of you all night," Faith says.

"I turned my phone off and slept elsewhere, I needed some space," I say.

"I understand that, can you call one of them, so they leave me alone?" Faith asks and it almost sounds like a whine. I laugh at her for a moment and she joins in.

"I will do it now," I say, and we hang up.

"Hi Aviva, I am not dead, now please leave Faith alone," I say amused, but it feels halfhearted.

"I didn't think you were dead, halfway around the world maybe, but not dead," Aviva says.

"I wish," I say rolling my eyes.

"Are you alright?" Cathleen's voice cuts in.

"I'm not dead," I say not wanting to lie anymore.

"Thalia is going crazy and Greyson is MIA," Cathleen says.

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