Chapter Twenty-Two

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Hello!! How is everyone doing? I hope everyone is well with COVID seeming to be spiking again in a lot of places. Stay safe  ❤️

Chapter Twenty-Two

Rolling over I am still slightly disoriented from whatever happened yesterday. Rubbing my blurry eyes, I see a change of clothes on the table next to me. Flopping out of bed, I go into the adjacent bathroom and take a quick shower before putting on the slight variation of the Aegis outfit I have come to know and love. This one just has two extra silver panels on the fabric.

Walking out of the room, I search for someone. I know I am in the headquarters for the Mavericks but that doesn't mean I have a clue where I am in the building. Wandering around aimlessly, I hear voices and walk towards them. Pausing before I walk into the room, I take a step back out of sight and listen.

"Greyson, do you even realize how unheroic and immoral your intentions have been?" Aviva asks him angrily.

"I did what I did Aviva, this is my team and I don't regret my choices!"

"Zana is in danger! She can't be a hero if this squadron of who knows what is constantly chasing after her!" Aviva yells at him.

A hand around my mouth and my waist startle me as I am pulled away from the doorway. Grabbing the arm, I spin us and pin the person against the wall and put my arm across their throat. Looking into an unfamiliar pair of brown eyes, my eyes focus on a nose piercing. Her hands let me go and make a sign of surrender. Looking at her one arm I see a massive bandage wrapping up to her elbow.

"Who are you?" I ask quietly.

"Are you Zana? Or do you prefer to be called Aegis?"

Staring at the petite woman before me, her deep brown skin reminds me of my own but has the warmer red undertone typical of people who are of an East Asian descent. Her silky black hair is chopped short and styled back. Slowing letting her go I think I know who is standing in front of me.

"Are you Metallica?" I ask her in the same whispered tone.

"I am, can you tell me what the hell is going on?" She asks me.

"It's a bit of a story,"

"Then summarize it before I walk in their blind," she asks flustered.

Stepping back, I give her enough space before whispering everything that has happened in the last few days with Greyson. I explain the danger that I have been put in and the way he manipulated not only his sister but the meta's they are mentoring and myself. I watch as a fire burns in her eyes as I finish telling her what she wanted to know.

"Thank you, Aviva couldn't give me to many details over the phone, so I came to see what all of the fuss is about," Metallica says.

"Shall we go in?"

"After you Zana," she says, and I walk in quietly.

Aviva I can see just past Greyson's back and Thalia is standing next to Aviva. Alexander's tracker is live on the screen as is Cathleen's. Faith and Orion are absent from the room and that is probably for the better, although I did want to personally thank Orion for helping me out.

"You are not just going to waltz back in here and pretend nothing happened," Aviva bites out.

"This is my team!" Greyson yells back.

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