Chapter Twenty

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Let's go chapter TWENTY!!

Chapter Twenty

"Congratulations Zana!" Mason yells pulling me in for a hug. I give him a quick squeeze before stepping away, putting space between us.

"Thank you," I say.

"Where's T?" He asks me I shrug.

"No clue," I say honestly.

"What's up with you? Something seems off," Mason asks me quietly.

"It's complicated," I say softly.

"What did they do?" Mason growls out and I'm surprised by his tone. Mason is usually quirky and playful.

"I'm not entirely sure but something is up, and once I figure it out, I'll explain it," I say.

"You've been spotted," Mason says giving a big, fake smile.

"I'll call you later?"

"You know where to find me," he says.

"Zana!" T squeals pulling me into a big hug.

"Hi T," I say faking amusement.

"Congrats kiddo," Greyson says hugging me.

"Thank you," I say.

"You okay?" T asks me worried.

"These shoes hurt and I'm tired," I say with a laugh.

"I hate heels! I can't believe you wanted to wear a pair," T says ushering us towards the exit.

"You only graduate from high school once and I knew you would kick my ass if I wore my boots," I say rolling my eyes.

T and Greyson make most of the conversation on our way back to her apartment and she invites him in for a late dinner. Standing in the doorway I watch as he helps her cook dinner and can't help the anger that is starting to boil inside of me. Thinking back to the conversation I had with Faith and the one I overheard T having with Greyson, the evidence was pretty damning.

"Zana? Can you season the vegetables for me?" T asks and she meets my gaze.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Zana?" Greyson asks and I stare him down.

"How much of an influence did Greyson have on you deciding to bring me into your home Thalia?" I ask her seriously.

"Greyson and I weren't even on speaking terms-" T starts before catching my gaze.

"Lie to me again," I say bluntly. Something about the conversation I had with Faith just felt honest and real. I barely know the girl, but her information put a lot of pieces together.

"You won't understand Zana," T says, pain flashing through her eyes.

"Then help me understand," I say bitterly.

Glancing at Greyson he has a stone-cold look on his face and his eyes are unreadable. He glances at his sister for a moment and his eyes soften slightly as T looks like she is about to cry. They both glance back at me and I can see them trying to fix this mentally. Can they get their stories straight without communicating? Was Greyson not knowing who Aegis was all just a front?

"I'm waiting," I say not moving.

"Sit down Zana," Greyson says.

"I'm perfectly okay to stand," I say leaning harder against the door frame.

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