Chapter Nine

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Hi everyone! I am so sorry this is late; I got distracted reading a book last night and then it was almost midnight my time and didn't have the energy to edit these chapters to post them 😅😅. 

We also start getting to know one of the most unproblematic and sweet characters in this chapter, Mason!! Also.... we finally meet a Maverick... hedge your bets in the comment section on who it is 😂!!

Without further ado!

Chapter Nine

"I know what you did last night," a voice says, and I rollover.

"Do you think I wouldn't watch the news and see the massive headline, 'Hero stops Viro from murdering scientist,' I do check the news on my phone," the voice continues, and I pull the pillow over my head.

"Zana!" T yells, yanking the pillow away from me.

"What?" I ask half asleep.

"You were pushed out of a fifth-floor window?!" She screams at me and I snatch the pillow back.

"I don't want to talk about it," I grumble trying to go back to bed.

"Zana," she says sternly.

"I'm fine, okay?" I snap and her glare cuts through me.

"I can't even imagine the energy build-up you need to deal with from that fall," she says, and I sit up flustered.

"He took the brunt of the fall! He flipped us around as we were falling, and he hit the ground first. Why would he do that T? Why wouldn't he just let me take the full force of the impact?" I question desperately. It's something I thought violently about every time I would turn over last night.

"Are you serious?"

"I've been dreaming it on repeat all night, I can't get it out of my head. I keep feeling his grasp on me as he flips us around in the air. Why would he do that?" I ask and my voice cracks.

"Do you think he was really there to kill that man?" She asks me quietly and I shake my head furiously.

"I don't know why he was there! I just knew I needed to remove him from the situation, so he couldn't do anything to that scientist," I say.

"I don't know what to say," T says.

"That man looked me in the eyes and shot me without hesitation. He was willing to kill four police officers to try and get into that building. Why would he protect me from a fall?!" I scream throwing my hands up and pacing around the living room.

"He probably did it to get under your skin and make you question yourself and what you're doing. Don't let him Zana." T says with a quiet determination.

"I will bring him to the authorities," I say seriously, and she smiles.

"Let's get down to the shelter," T says, and I nod before hopping into the shower.

I spend the whole morning and afternoon cooking for the shelter and dinner just needs to be turned on by the time I start cleaning up and getting ready to leave. Patting my pocket for the bus pass T gave me earlier.

"What are you still doing here, Zana? You should have left a few minutes ago," T says ducking into the kitchen.

"I'm nervous," I confess, and she chuckles.

"He was super sweet when he helped with the self-defense course Z, I don't think he has any ill intentions in wanting to help you learn more about how to fight," T says.

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