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We're finally here!! 😭😭 Enjoy the last chapter everyone! Don't worry, the Mavericks journey certainly doesn't end here. 


"I'll be back!" I call out to T and she yells something from the other room as I take off from our little balcony. Tonight is going to be a busy evening and I need to get moving. Taking off to the skies, I cross the guy's path once or twice as I run my rounds.

Testing my new boots, I make sure the data is continuously pushing through and Avi goes over the information with me in real-time and has me do some fairly crazy things to test them. I don't argue or even say a word against it, I am thankful for the new pair especially because I wasn't due for an upgrade. Cabe's voice comes on the line and everyone easily communicates and updates locations and cases.

"Zana, I was able to a deeper search for the name you gave me," I hear Cabe say, and I instantly turn up the volume not wanting to miss what he has to say. 

"Did you find anything?" I ask him excitedly. I pull to hover or the city and wait eagerly for his response.

"Xyla Ballek was born in Circa City and died there, and there is very little in-between, unfortunately. Your real name isn't even registered there, as far as everyone is concerned your real name is Zana Black," Cabe says and I am extremely disappointed in the lack of results.


"But she did graduate from the same high school as you, I have records of her completing an associate degree at a college actually near your own but it's unlisted what she completed it in," Cabe says and that sparks my curiosity.

"Would I be able to have access to those records if I can prove I am her next of kin?" I ask curiously.

"Zana, legally you two aren't even connected," Aviva says disappointed and I sigh. It's not like I even have a birth certificate to prove she's my mother, I have no parents listed on mine.

"Of course not, that would be too easy," I say defeated. The team has been helping me chase some stray leads for the last few weeks, but with little results.

"I am going to make a few phone calls later in the week," I hear Cathleen's voice calls out and that puts a smile on my face. I am sure she of all people will dig up something for me to follow. At this point, I just wanted to know more about my mom, where she came from, and what she wanted to do.

My mind drifts away for a few moments as I think about all of the absurdities that have been happening. We don't have an explanation for quite a few fires, or what happened to my boots when I was flying over the water. My sporadic and desperate behavior comes to mind and I am horrified and embarrassed by my actions, I couldn't seem to get a grip. Why did I have such a violent reaction?

"Zana, I just got a police notification, there's a massive building on fire," Aviva says and when I spin around, I see an old skyscraper down by the abandoned district that was set to be demolished, completely engulfed in flames.

"On it!" I say and I cover the distance in no time before screeching to a halt. Glancing down, I see the four figures below me and find some sense of comfort in that.

Surveying the damage and the fire, I don't see anything that would indicate it was blown up and there is nothing I can decipher as a source of ignition. Flying lower I spot a single fire hydrant that would be useable. The fire trucks whine in the distance but I know it's a few minutes before they get here.

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