Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

"Did you know they are calling you Aegis now?" T asks me as she drags her beaten up duffle into the living room.

"Anything is better than Pyrite," I say wrinkling my nose.

"The meaning behind that one was just spiteful, to begin with," T says as she smooths out her clothes.

"The public and media will call me whatever they want T, my only goal is to help people," I say smiling at her.

"Are you sure about this Zana? I've never left the shelter alone for more than a few hours," T says biting her lip.

"Do you really think it's going to fall apart because you are gone for forty-eight hours? Have a little faith in me," I say laughing.

"I just..."

"Relax T, I won't let the shelter fall apart," I say genuinely and there is a knock at the door.

T rushes over and swings our door open. On the other side of the door is a stunningly beautiful woman, she clearly has some oriental roots from her eye shape and hair texture, but she has the figure of a lean model and certainly the height for one. Her tailored black suit, crisp white blouse, and sharp, shiny black heels seem out of place in our dingy apartment complex. She smiles at ,  and T laughs out loud before embracing the woman. The longer I stare at her, the more familiar she seems, but I cannot seem to put my finger onto why. 

"Cathleen, it's been too long," T says.

"Oh Thalia, you never came to my wedding!" Cathleen says scolding her.

"I couldn't leave the shelter," she says honestly, and Cathleen's eyes soften.

"You will have to meet Aviva before you return," Cathleen says with a love-struck look in her eyes.

"I would be honored to meet the Aviva Arlington," Thalia says grabbing her bag.

"Wait, your Cathleen Winters?" I ask shell shocked. No wonder she looked familiar!

"The one and only," she says giving me a beautiful smile.

"I learned about Aviva for a project, her scientific advancements are going to change the world," I say completely awestruck. Science was not my subject of choice, but I was amazed by Aviva's work, even if I only half understand it.

"You must be Zana, Greyson speaks very highly of you," Cathleen says smiling and I feel my cheeks burn. I'm glad most people can't see me blush.

"Nothing to talk about, but I'm flattered. You two should probably get going," I say to T, and she walks over and gives me a hug.

"Call me if you need anything, okay?"

"I've got this, now go visit your father," I said waving her off.

"It was nice meeting you Zana," Cathleen says.

"Likewise," I reply fidgeting with my mask in my pocket.

Once T and Cathleen have cleared the building, I change into some older clothes and pull my mask and hood on before locking up and heading out. I run around the city for hours, practicing sprinting, and watching out for trouble. I stop a small robbery and help people in a car accident, although nothing dramatic as the previous days. Relaxing in the shadows, I nibble on a snack I stole from the apartment. I sit around the science building that Viro is obsessed with. I visit here almost every time I do rounds; it is just habit at this point.

"I can't seem to get rid of you, can I?" An all too familiar voice taunts and I choke on my last goldfish. Pulling my mask back up, I am thankful he is behind me.

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