Loser pt.2 Fractured

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Freeport, Bahamas.

Larry's intentions were found out about 2AM when security noticed him walking across the lawn going back to the carriage house. It was assumed that there was just a harmless rendezvous between he and Flynn, until the hurricane shutters were closed and communication was cut off.

Issac Stallworth is calming his wife. She just finished berating the housekeeper that gave Flynn the code to Larry's room.

Ava please, it's not her fault.

"Yes it is! If that 'woman' wouldn't have given Flynn the code ..."

It would not have mattered, anyway he wasn't a prisoner. You even said you only wanted him to stay away until the deal was done. Bourgeois signed. Ava our girl wanted to see him, nothing would have stopped her. You need to remain calm.

"I can't! Any luck on overriding the automatic shutters Dave?"

"No Ma'am, everything is controlled inside. This is an old house, we haven't had a chance to connect with the main frame. He has to open the door."

"That monster has my child, and I can't do anything about it!"

Laurent looks up.

"Hey, he no monster ..."

His father touches his arm.

"Laurent ... you know he can be."

"I not like you all talking about him like that. We not even know for sure what he did, what really going on in there."

Ava Stallworth stands.

"I know he disabled everything. No phone, internet, CCTV. Don't forget there was blood on his shirt and hands when he came to the kitchen. Why won't he communicate? What does he want?"

Let's give it a little more time before we panic, Dave and his guys are working on it. They are probably fine Flynn can handle herself, you know that. She knows him better than we do Darling.

"Do not 'Darling' me, they are not fine, Flynn would have answered by now. He had blood on his shirt Issac! You saw the video, we all know he's violent. I already gave it til morning ... it's time to call his psychiatrist. I want my daughter!"

Ava ...

"All of this is wrong, and I started it. I wanted to hurt you, expose your sick and twisted son. Now he has ... This is karma. I'm sorry."

She storms out of the room, and the maid goes after her.

Mr. Bourgeois looks at Issac Stallworth.

"This not her fault. It nobody fault."

I know. Now tell me what we are we dealing with?

Laurent speaks up.

"Mr. Stallworth ... I know he, he won't hurt Flynn."

I need honesty. How unstable?

"Dad ..."

Laurent gives his father a worried look.

Mr. Bourgeois stands and rubs his temples.

You say he's under control now, but I've seen the pictures of those girls ... tell me Bourgeois ... will he hurt my daughter?

"Issac, I I not know."

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