Baby Mama

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Marah POV

The last few months have been ... hard.

Devin wasn't as happy as I had hoped when I told him I was pregnant, and he lost his mind when I suggested his son was actually Larry's. He told me to mind my business and stay in my place. I was reminded AGAIN, that I have no idea how his life works. I decided to pick my battles, and let it go, but the fact is, I'm still carrying his baby.

When he was leaving for work the next morning, Devin told me we would figure everything out that night. I didn't see him for three days.

On the fourth, he shows back up with a huge bouquet of roses and legal papers. Same lawyer from my car and condo. He apologized, but made me agree to a paternity test, when medically able. Even though I assure him the baby is his, once the results are in, then, and only then, we sign and I get X amount of dollars.

He doesn't mention Larry and the other kid at all. He just wanted to get me back to Florida ASAP. Devin has made me an appointment with an OB/Gyn. I told him I had my own, but he said I now have a new one, arrangement already made. Oh well, he does pay my premiums ... turns out he's the doctor all the side pieces in his little crew go to.

It's fine, making sure I, well we, are healthy shows he cares. Once the baby gets here, everything will change.

My Mother is walking around and touching everything ... she snaps me out of my thoughts.

"This is a nice place, but it's cold, not your style

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"This is a nice place, but it's cold, not your style ..."

It was decorated when I moved in. Some European woman.

"Aren't we fancy now. What does this 'boyfriend' do again? You sure he not selling."

No, he's not a drug dealer. He works in the family business.

"Family huh ... you family?"

Mama he loves me.

"Hmph ... because he let you keep it? Oh Marah, girl if you think that baby gonna make him leave her, you delusional."

I never should have told you.

"Good thing you did! I your family."

Can't you just be happy for me, for once?

"Happy? Oh, like when you drop out of school, or when you leave the country with that other one and you not see me for so long. You break me and tu abuela's heart. Now you get knocked up by a married man. You never make the right choices Marah. What you gonna do if he drop you? You have a baby, and other ... responsibilities. I worry for you now, it's not easy out there."

Responsibilities? Sounds like you're worried about your rent. The check clear?

She looks down.

"Um yeah, thank you for the help. It broke my heart to ask, but you have all this. I needed a little help. Your father is God knows where and Maria .."

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