Chapter 5. Unsealing the first door I

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Ava's shift did not take long to finish, fortunately, due to the fact that she was pregnant, the village elders had allowed her to lower her work hours to give her more time to rest. After arriving back at home, Leo immediately helped her make dinner, after that he took a shower and the whole family ate. He did everything in such a hurried and excited tone that Ava couldn't help but worry. However, she did not have time to ask as Leo immediately ran up to his bed to sleep.

"I'm back," Leo excitedly said as he appeared right outside the Myriad Nether Mansion.

'This time, I will make sure I check out all the hallways," he thought to himself as he opened the mansion door and ran straight to the unsealing hallway.

As he made it past the entrance, a note appeared from a hole in the wall. Leo retrieved it and read it:

This is the unsealing hallway. This is where you will regain your strength to a Supreme God. There are eleven doors altogether and each place one after another. You must open those doors one at a time and doing so will unseal a certain amount of your strength and this will keep going until you have opened all eleven doors. However, on each door is a note with the certain requirements that you must meet before you attempt to pass through the gate. It is recommended that you do not try to forcefully open the doors as it may cause harm to your body.

After reading, Leo curiously glanced into the hallway saw a large black double door. Intrigued, he quickly paced over to it and saw a note written in paper in the middle of the two doors. It read:


Killing aura control: Being able to hide intent from adults(met)

Having chosen a talent(not met)

"Oh, I have not met the requirements yet," Leo spoke quite crest-fallen, "I haven't chosen a talent yet. Hmmm, what could that mean?"

Suddenly, a light bulb lit up in Leo's head, "oh wait! I remember there being a hallway called talent. I should go and check it out."

And so Leo immediately made his way to the closed hallway of talent. He stopped in front of a large golden double door that was five times as tall as he was now. And just like on the unsealing hall, there was also a note on the golden doors that read:



"Huh? What? Does this mean that I can just open it without any problems?" Leo was confused by this. Nevertheless, he tried his luck and tried pushing the door open and to his surprise, the doors slowly opened. "Great," he said as he fully opened the doors to reveal a pitch-black abyss.

And just as he was about to question himself, a loud elderly voice rang out from within the hallway, "Welcome to the talent hallway! Here you can choose your talents which are in the form of orbs!"

Slowly, the pitch-black abyss slowly began to light up to reveal a simple empty white-walled room and Leo as looked around the room, he saw that on a corner, on majestic elegant white quartz stands, there stood six orbs of different separate colors.

'There's not that many orbs here though' thought Leo.

As if responding to Leo's thought, the voice appeared again saying:

"You may be wondering why there are not many talent orbs in this place. Well, that because talent orbs are formed from your knowledge of different talents, constitutions, bloodlines, etc. To get more talent orbs I suggest you find out more about your world or open the library. You should be able to get more talent orbs once you come back from there. You currently have fourteen talent points to spend here to start off with but don't worry, you can get more talent points each time you open a door in the unsealing hallway. These six are your primary ones. They are fire, water, lightning, earth, wind, and sound, each of which is at the ten-ringed green rank. You can use your talent points to first buy a talent, then you have the option to upgrade your talent with your points or just spend them on another new talent. That's all from me thank you, I will not appear again."

"Sigh... I really can't be bothered to choose my talents separately so it seems that I will have to be making a visit to the library now I guess. Well then, let's go, I want to see what kind of book they have there," Leo lazily formulated as he dragged his heavy burdened legs across to the library hallway.

After a few dozen heavy effort-driven steps or so, Leo had once again made his way into another hallway. He walked to the front of this closed oak wood double door and was left in confusion as he could not find any note on the door this time yet the doors were closed. It seemed like someone forgot to place a restriction on the door.

Leo pushed it and just as expected, the door easily swung open with a loud creak. And his golden-brown eyes were welcomed by a huge library with red carpet and a wall of bookshelves that were so wide and tall that they escaped his field of view on his left side and each shelf was filled with books with no free space to fit in anymore. And on his right was an exactly identical bookshelf that had almost a hundred books which paled in comparison to the monstrous number on his left. He did not find much time to observe as his attention was instantly sent towards the center of the library. There was a dim-lit wax candle standing on a simple wooden table with a comfortable cushioned chair and on the table was a brown paper note. Leo moved to the table anxiously, wanting to know more about the library. He approached the table and grabbed the note and read it:

This is the library. At the start, this will have everything you know about your world on your left as you enter and as you read more books, they will automatically be added to the bookshelf on the right. This is the place where you learn about all things related to the world and find dossiers, almanacs, and encyclopedias and they will appear here once you have skimmed through the book in real life. You are currently in the general knowledge room. If you walk to the end of the hallway you can find the Jutsu, skills, and bloodlines room or Jutsu room for short. But that room is currently locked as you have no met the requirements yet. All the books here have been sorted out so you can find what you need more easily. Enjoy your time here. Keep reading! Knowledge is power!

After reading this, Leo made his way to the talent section of the bookshelf to his left. If the book on the right were all about this world then he knew that there would be no information on talents so he moved to the left side of the library. Here he would be able to learn about talents in his past world. However, the problem was that talents in the past world would not really help him much here as Earth was a non-cultivation planet. So this left him incredibly worried that he would not find a good talent.

After a good amount of walking and searching, Leo made it to the talent section and what he saw forced his jaw to drop with utter disappointment as what welcomed him was just a single book labeled under 'list of talents'.

"Wow. That world really didn't have any talent towards cultivation at all," Leo regretfully spoke.

Reaching forward, Leo grabbed the old book started reading it. As he opened it, there was a title and a long list of traits and what they do. However, he found that there were not many that benefited towards cultivation at all and most of them were for daily actions. However, after a good hour of reading, researching, and contemplating, Leo had come to choose only one that he thought would be able to help him.

'Photographic memory:

Ability to recall everything to the tiniest detail after only glancing at it.'

The problem here was not the lack of talents, but the lack of knowledge of the world so Leo did not know which ones would be best. But having read the whole book, the talent hall should be now filled with all of these.

"Sigh... Ok, let's go back and now choose the talents and then unseal the first door," Leo spoke but just as he stood up, his attention was caught by a small door next to the entrance of the library, "Hmm, let me quickly go and check out the Jutsu room first," he spoke as he couldn't help but curiously explore.

Leo made his way towards the Jutsu room and saw that it was closed just like it was said to be and there was yet another requirement note on the room door that read:


14 talents chosen(0/14)

Books of this world read(97/3000)

The first door of the unsealing hallway opened(not met)

"I see. Ok, seems that my days will not be so boring anymore but three thousand books... That old guy must want me to have a lot of knowledge," Leo spoke to himself as he found more stuff to do for himself during the day.

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