the numbness consumes me so deeply that i worry it will be the only thing i know how to feel.
i miss the days where i feel alive. i miss smiling at the thought of his name or the sight of a reminder. but now those days are replaced with bitter sorrow and a broken soul.
loving someone is the most consuming thing a person can do. and when you love a person that you cannot be with, your whole world seems to run past without you.
i just want to feel light again. i want the switch to turn back on. all the poetry i wrote seems like a lie now. i'm giving up. and i feel nothing but anger towards myself for that.
this was written a few months ago but stayed in my drafts, i've only now decided to publish it
sickly sweet
Poetrythis is a book of poems or thoughts/feelings i have, all written down. heartbreak, love, pain, happiness and many more emotions and feelings of emptiness are all spread out in the words of this book. each chapter has a category, you'll find pattern...