Chapter 1

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Title: Thick as Thieves Season 2: Under Your Command

Rating: T

Warnings: Some violence but not graphic

Characters: Lucas Taylor, Michael Taylor (OC - Lucas' twin), Nathaniel Taylor, Skye Tate, Alicia Washington, the Shannon Family, Mark Reynolds, Tom Boylan, Tim Curran, Mira

Relationships: Wash/Michael (OC), Lucas/Skye, references to Wash/Taylor

Summary: Michael Taylor OC (Lucas' twin brother).This is the sequel to my OC story, Thick as Thieves, which covered Michael's story in S1. This continuation picks up where S1 ended: 2150 is in disarray since Hope Plaza went up in flames and the Chicago Rebellion grows stronger every day as they fight the corporation responsible for their misery. Forced to battle the rebellion with the Phoenix Group army in order to protect Wash, Michael is sent back to Terra Nova on a new mission...

The first story can be read here: 

Promo: I have made a trailer video for this fic on my Youtube. It is a bit spoilery but I am pretty proud of it if you're interested in watching/commenting.

A/N: I know it has been a LONG time since I wrote this original story and if there is any readership left, I REALLY hope you guys read and enjoy this. Even if you're a new reader, you should be able to follow the sequel as I will summarise what happened in S1. I never stopped thinking about this sequel and have spent years working on it and putting all my crazy ideas together for a season 2. I have the first draft written so I aim to start updating weekly once it's polished off. Please read and leave me a comment, it would mean so much to me. Thank you!


Evidently, you look furious

Walls up, and I know you're serious

Evidently, I'm not always there

But you left, and I looked everywhere

You built this fortress, I stumble towards it

I stumble towards it.

- Thick as Thieves by Shinedown


Chapter 1

Dawn was breaking in The Badlands, the morning sun illuminating the vast woodlands as it peered above the treetops. Peacefully silent, apart from the odd dino roar every now and then, the local residents of the area gently waking as the bodies of those who died there continued sleeping peacefully. It would have been beautiful had it not been for those dozens of graves that now inhabited the land, dug shortly after the bodies were discovered by The Commander. The same night his sons disappeared.

The cave still stood in the shadows, now abandoned. There was no trace of the twins having been there, nor of the presence of the untethered portal. The area, it appeared, had been discarded for some time.

Then, a few miles away, a blue light materialised.


"Is our shift nearly over yet?" groaned Curran, kicking soil up from the ground in a small act of rebellion. "We've been out here hours."

"Are you seriously complaining?" scoffed Reilly, still grasping her weapon whilst Curran held his lazily by his side. "You're lucky The Commander even put you on patrol. You could have ended up like the Sixers or those Phoenix Group soldiers. Taylor didn't have to take you back in."

"Took him long enough to trust me," Curran muttered. "All those months of cleaning latrines and KP duty...maybe I would have preferred taking my chances out there."

Reilly rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

The two were on security detail outside the colony. Spending hours on end in the jungle with Curran hadn't been Reilly's idea of fun, but it was her job. And Terra Nova needed protecting. There were still the remaining Sixers and Phoenix Group out there.

"Not like he trusts me anyway," Curran relentlessly droned on. "There's been hardly any enemy activity out here since they all left for The Badlands. This is just a waste of time, and you're only here to baby sit me, Sergeant ."

Reilly sighed. "At least we're not camped out in The Badlands anymore guarding that damn cave."

Curran nodded in agreement. "Weeks and weeks of nothing. That place gave me the creeps"

"Especially with that thing out there."

"Don't remind me."

Reilly paused. "You hear that?"

Curran stopped and looked around. "What?"

Their heads snapped towards a rustling sound. Twigs snapping. Bushes. Something was out there. Raising her gun, Reilly motioned at Curran to follow her. He nodded, lifting his weapon towards the source of the noise.

Reilly held her breath.

Then a man's body came hurtling out of the plants and straight onto the ground in front of them. Both soldiers stared, amazed, as the body became still, face down in the mud.

"What the hell?" Curran bent down to examine the man. He hadn't heard of anyone being reported OTG. Then again, the man's clothing didn't appear to be Terra Novan, nor did they resemble that of the Sixers or Phoenix Group. So where had this guy come from?

He gently turned the man over, and then lost his voice completely.

"Oh my god," Reilly breathed. "It can't be."

Curran stood back and they both stared disbelievingly.

It was The Commander's son. It was Michael Taylor.

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