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It was painfully quiet in that dark, dingy room. Every so often, he would hear the footsteps of a passing guard, and he would wonder if they were coming for him. But they just passed on by, sometimes two of them, muttering to each other, leaving him to wonder how much time he had left.

Taylor's eyes were closed, but he was barely sleeping. He'd only had a few hours sleep since he got to 2150. How was he supposed to sleep, knowing that everything and everyone he had fought for was under threat? That's why when he heard the clip clop of a woman's heels, he felt almost relieved. Anything was better than being left alone to ponder his fate.

The door opened and the lights flashed on. Taylor's eyes shot open.

Miranda Nichol was standing in the doorway. "Get up. It's time."

Taylor sat up on his cot and arched his brows at her, lines of surprise wrinkling his forehead. "Time for what?"

"We're going to set you free."

Despite his demands for an explanation, Ms Nichol was less than forthcoming. Instead, she and a couple of armed guards escorted him through the building. As they walked, an eruption of angry shouting began echoing down the halls. Taylor turned his head towards the commotion. It was his son.

"You can't do this! You gave me your word!" Lucas bellowed, chasing after them. "I get to decide what happens to him! You gave me your word, Nichol!"

As Lucas approached like a madman, the guards swiftly grabbed him and held him back.

Nichol stopped and looked at him, the corner of her red, wrinkled lips twisting upwards. "I'm sorry, Lucas. It's just business. This is your father's purpose. It's just the way it has to be."

She turned away from him, flicking her short, red hair, and continued walking.

"You lying bitch!" he screamed, almost panting with fury.

She stopped in her tracks, alluring everyone's gaze.

Then, she marched back over. The clip clop of her heels getting louder, harder, with every step. She stopped in front of him, her cold, resentful glare piercing into him. Then she struck him with so much force, he recoiled and grabbed his cheek, his eyes wide with shock.

"Don't forget who made you what you are!" she snapped viciously. "When you came to me you were just a weak, pathetic, little boy. I taught you how to gather all that anger inside of you for a purpose. How to use that brilliant brain of yours instead of wasting it playing war games like your brother! Show me some respect, you snivelling, belligerent child!"

The Commander and Lucas were in a stunned silence. Lucas slowly straightened up, his cheek now sporting a bright red mark. He cleared his throat. "You're right. I'm sorry. I've been....ungrateful," he said gently, almost hoarsely. He locked eyes with his father, who was looking on with shocked bewilderment. Then he collected himself, as if not wanting to show weakness in front of the Commander. "What are you going to do with him?"

"Follow me and find out," she replied, turning again.

He did, hesitantly, trying not to let his anger show. He was never very good at hiding his emotions and his father could tell how furious and fearful he was of this woman. In a way, Taylor felt angry with her too. It was now obvious how long she had been manipulating Lucas. Shaping him. Twisting him. From Lucas' broken childhood, Nichol had moulded him into the jaded man he was now; using his vulnerability and frustration with the things that had happened to him for her own selfish gain. And Lucas went willingly. Why not? There was nothing stopping him. Taylor had been too busy to notice. Wrapped up in himself and his work and his other son; he never realised his boy was being turned against him.

Thick as Thieves 2: Under Your CommandWhere stories live. Discover now