Chapter 22

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Terra Nova

That evening was a race against the clock to get everything ready as soldiers loaded equipment onto vehicles, perimeters were guarded, weapons distributed. Most of the civilians were in their homes as instructed, waiting - apart from the Shannons who had one final thing to do before everything kicked off.

The family stood outside of their unit, watching Maddy (who was donning a lace, cream-coloured summer dress) and Mark (wearing the usual green, military fatigues) as they stood opposite each other, holding each other's hands and smiling. Jim was standing next to them, glancing between them. He cleared his throat.

"Usually it would be Commander Taylor officiating but, of course, I was more than happy to step in." He smiled at his eldest daughter, a flicker of emotion in his eyes. "When we first came to Terra Nova, I missed the last two years of Maddy's life and I regret that more than she'll ever know. But I am so proud and honoured to have the chance to see her become the strong, intelligent young woman she is today."

Maddy looked over at her father with moist eyes, her smile growing. A few feet away, Elisabeth put an arm around Josh and pulled him close whilst Zoe cuddled her mother, watching happily.

"When Reynolds - sorry - Mark first asked me about dating Maddy, I was surprised. I think I might have threatened to shoot him." That gained a few laughs, particularly from Mark. "I hadn't realised how much my little girl had grown up and I wasn't ready for another man to come into our lives - sorry - her life and take care of her." Maddy rolled her eyes, giggling. Jim paused. "Thing is, Maddy can take care of herself." He smiled warmly at her. "But I'm so glad you've found someone, so you can take care of each other. I know you'll do whatever you can to make each other happy." Maddy looked like she was fighting tears already. Jim blinked away the emotion, clearing his throat again. "I believe the couple have written their own vows?"

"Oh, yeah." Maddy turned to Mark, squeezing both his hands. She looked into his eyes, both nervously and excitedly. "Mark, when I came here, I was expecting to find so many exciting things. Beautiful landscapes, amazing wildlife, and hundreds more fascinating discoveries I'm sure will come in the future. What I wasn't expecting to find...was you." She giggled, as if she had surprised even herself with the concept. "But I'm so happy I did. And from now on, I want all my exciting things and crazy adventures to be with you."

Mark grinned at her. He looked captivated by her. He looked happy.

"Maddy. You know my life hasn't always been easy. I had darkness, and it followed me here and it threatened everything I had worked so hard to achieve. But then I met you. You made my world light again. You are my light, Maddy Shannon. And I hope to try my hardest to bring light to your life too, for the rest of our lives."

Jim looked between the two again. "Uh, Okay, I guess with the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss, but just a peck - I am still your father."

Maddy and Mark laughed before finishing the ceremony with a quick kiss. The Shannons cheered and applauded. Maddy started hugging everyone. Mark shook Jim's hand, and then was nearly knocked over by Zoe wrapping her arms around him.

After a few moments of chatter and excitement, Mark and Maddy embraced. He gave her one last, lingering kiss, and then said goodbye.

Jim patted him on the shoulder. They met Michael who was watching from a distance, waiting.

"Congratulations," he said. "You ready?"

Mark nodded. It was time. They headed for the gates, stopping by the rovers and the group getting ready to head out to where Malcolm had set up the terminus.

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