Chapter 23

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The first thing Michael saw on the other side were the several white coats scattered about in front of him. Scientists from OrbisTech. They had desks lined up, whiteboards, computers, monitors set up all around the room. As he heard Mark and Mira pass through behind him, he looked above. They were in what looked like a massive hangar. So this was where Nichol had set up her terminus and anchored the fracture. It certainly wasn't a room he had been in before.

The scientists stared at the intruders, confused and fearful. Within moments, Phoenix Group soldiers had run over, pointing rifles at them. Michael put his hands up, Mark and Mira following suit.

One of the soldiers lowered his weapon.

"Captain Taylor. You've returned?"

Michael slowly lowered his hands. "Uh, yes. My mission was successful." He looked behind at his companions. "Our mission. We've come to inform Ms Nichol. Where is she?"

"Sir, the compound is under attack by the rebels. She's been transferred to a safe location."

"Under attack?" Mark repeated nervously. "Where are we, exactly?"

"We're directly below the facility. The building is in lockdown, so we should be safe down here. The rebels won't be able to access the portal."

"I don't care if it's World War 3, where's Sienna?" Mira barked. "Where are the kids?"

"Take us to them," Michael ordered.

"I'm sorry, Captain. We're under strict orders to remain with the terminus. We can't let the rebels get down here."

"Then we'll make our own way. How do we get up there?"

"I wouldn't recommend that, sir. The rebels have control of the building. If I were you I'd wait until reinforcements arrive."

"Screw that!" Mira exclaimed angrily. "I did what that witch told me to, I'm seeing my daughter right now."

Michael took a step closer towards the soldier, trying to seem reassuring. "We'll be careful."

The young soldier didn't look too convinced, but nodded anyway. He beckoned for the group to follow him to the end of the hangar where there was an elevator. He informed them of the code.

"It'll take you to the ground floor. The doors will lock automatically as soon as you get out. Since everything's locked down, you'll need that code to open any doors." He typed the code in as he spoke, then stepped back as the doors opened. "Good luck."

"Thanks, Private."

The three of them got in, catching their last glimpse of the hangar as the doors closed and the elevator kicked into action.

"Well, that was easy," Mark breathed.

"They don't know we've changed sides," smirked Mira. "Bet that old crone skipped town at the first sight of trouble and just left her men to die."

"I have a feeling she's close by," Michael contemplated. "Now she has control of this fracture, she won't want to let it go."

"So now what? We've got to fight a bunch of rebels to get through the building?" Mark said with concern. "I thought we'd be shooting her soldiers, not civilians."

"We can use the sonics for now," Michael replied. "We won't kill anyone if we don't have to."

A second later and the elevator came to a sudden halt and the doors opened to reveal a small foyer, separate to the main entrance. It was hidden away for obvious reasons. As they bailed out, the doors shut promptly behind them.

Thick as Thieves 2: Under Your CommandWhere stories live. Discover now