04: Luke Skywalker

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The Republic fleet made its hyperspace jump only seconds before the First Order ships were in weapons range.

"How did they find us?" Poe questioned softly after crossing the bridge to stand near Leia. "There were more places along our exit route where we could've stopped. How did they know we'd rendezvous at the nebula?"

"I don't know," Leia admitted. "It could've been a lucky guess."

She and Poe exchanged knowing looks as both were certain it hadn't been luck, but it was best not to say such things in front of the crew. Poe withdrew silently from the bridge, unanswered questions in his mind and an uneasy feeling twisting in his stomach.

On his way to his quarters, Poe stopped off at medical and checked on Finn. The room was crammed with equipment. Robotic arms tipped with a variety of surgical and diagnostic instruments were folded against the ceiling and like the legs of a mechanical spider. The twelve beds were empty with the exception of Finn, resting comfortably in the far corner of the room on the last bed. The bio-monitors beeped softly as they streamed a constant display of Finn's life readings across the screen mounted on the foot of his bed. Poe was about to take a seat when he noticed Finn's eyes opening.

"Welcome back," Poe said in greeting.

Finn looked toward Poe, but his vision was blurry, and he blinked several times and squinted before his eyes properly focused.

"Poe," Finn said, his voice raspy. He closed his eyes and rested his head against the pillow. "What happened?"

"From what Rey told us, you got thrown up against a tree," Poe answered. "You shattered several vertebrae in your spine, but they've been repaired. You should be back on your feet pretty soon."

Finn's eyes snapped open, and he looked toward Poe again. "Where's Rey?"


The Millennium Falcon dropped out of hyperspace over a green and blue world. Piloting it down through the atmosphere, Rey and Chewbacca scanned for any signs of humanoid life. Although abundant signatures for animal life appeared on the console display, only one human registered.

"I got something," Rey told Chewbacca. She pointed to the screen and the Wookiee growled a response before adjusting their course toward the island where the signal was located.

The island was one of several resting on a tranquil sea. A carpet of green grass covered the flat places of the island, while black, windswept rock existed everywhere else. No trees, rivers, or lakes broke up the rugged terrain of jagged peaks. A few buildings composed of native stone had been crafted near the top of one of the mountains, and Chewbacca found a flat spot of ground at the base to set down the Falcon.

Rey looked through the cockpit window at the long climb ahead of her. She could only hope it was Luke Skywalker at the top and he could help her and the Republic.

"I'll be back as soon as I can," Rey promised. "You had best stay here and keep an eye on the ship, just in case."

Chewbacca said something in his native dialect, but without C-3P0 to translate she had to guess. He didn't sound happy.

"I don't know who or what is up there," Rey explained. "I'll feel a lot better knowing the way off this desolate island is protected."

Chewbacca growled again, but gave a understandable nod of his head. He reached into a compartment under the control board and pulled out a cylindrical commlink, handing the device over to her.

"Thanks, Chewie," Rey accepted. "I'll be back as soon as possible. If it's going to be longer, I'll stay in touch."

Rey left the cockpit and hurried to the side hatch, picking up a small bag and slinging it from her shoulder while waiting for the ramp to lower and allow her to depart the ship.

The wind blowing off the sea was cold, but only slightly above what would be needed to make her shiver. She rubbed her arms to try and keep a little warmth about herself before heading down the ramp and starting the long pathway up the mountain. A winding trail of terraced ground and stone steps had been cut into the island to make a rudimentary stairway up to the peak where the settlement was located.

It was a long climb, but Rey hardly noticed. Inside the pack she carried were a number of items. Chief among them were the Jedi holocron, left to her by a father she'd never known, and Luke's lightsaber. Her thoughts were turned inward, considering the possibilities of what might happen when she met the legendary figure. More than anything, she wanted to know what was in the Jedi holocron, and Luke was the key to opening it.

The wind was much colder when Rey reached the summit. The buildings seen when the Falcon did its flyover were composed of native rock, stacked and mortared together in domed dwellings, some barely large enough to lay down in.

Standing in the center of the all the structures was a man in a dark brown robe, his face hidden by the shadows cast by a hood. His hands extended out beyond the length of his sleeves, and Rey noticed the man's right hand was a mechanical construct of gleaming metal. He stood motionless, blocking the way forward and facing toward her as if he'd been waiting for Rey to arrive. Moving slowly and deliberately, the man pushed back his hood with both hands. Lines of age crossed the weathered face above a full beard of graying brown. Piecing blue eyes locked onto Rey, and she recognized the same look Sentis had when he was appraising her stance during their many training bouts.

Like the holocron when she'd first picked it up, she could feel the power of the man standing before her. Without having to be told, she knew it was Luke Skywalker. Her detection of his power and innate knowledge of his identity made Rey extremely uncomfortable as she had no idea what she was doing or even what she was supposed to do.

Luke simply stared silently at her, waiting. Lacking any instructions, Rey reached into the pack, carefully removed the lightsaber, and held it out to him.

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