10: Expanding Control

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The long winged shuttle pushed its way through the dense clouds of ash wrapping around the volcanic world of Sullust. Transport shuttles loaded with troops followed in close formation, visibility limited to short range by the ash falling like black snow and sprinkled with smoldering cinders of burning red. Brighter red came from the surface as Republic defense lasers opened fire on the intruders. Because of the factory defenses, three out of the ten shuttles were destroyed before they could land, but a squadron of TIE fighters screamed low over the blackened rock of the lava encrusted terrain, spewing green lasers toward the Republic gun towers.

The defense cannons, already occupied with the shuttles, were unable to change targets fast enough. Exterior armor melted and broke under the attack until the laser towers exploded in a series of bright fireballs and flying debris. Unhindered, the shuttles continued to the surface and unloaded rank after rank of stormtroopers, their gleaming white armor standing out against the darkness of the volcanic landscape. The air was hot and rippled like water around them. The helmets of the troopers screened out the toxic gases, but they couldn't reduce the oppressive heat pushing down on them in a smothering blanket, giving them ample motivation to break through the Republic lines and get inside the air controlled environment of the massive factories.

Kylo Ren led the attack, his crackling lightsaber redirecting the blaster fire aimed in his direction. As the Republic defenders concentrated on Kylo, they were vulnerable to the trailing stormtroopers who took full advantage and shot them down with ruthless efficiency. The initial skirmish was over in seconds.

Once the exterior had been secured, a black and silver astromech droid belonging to the First Order rolled up the ramp toward the main factory doors and began working on the computerized locks. The soldiers reloaded the power packs on their weapons and got into position for the next assault.

The droid turned its domed head and let loose a series of trilling beeps. One of the soldiers nearby turned and reported to Kylo Ren.

"It would appear the Republic have a droid on the inside," the soldier explained. "Every time we bypass a security code to open the door, the Republic droid creates a new one to keep it closed."

"I'll deal with it," Kylo replied, his voice even and untroubled. He extended an open hand toward the doors in front of him. Through the Force, he could sense the enemy troops waiting behind barricades and improvised defenses as they planned to resist him as much as possible. Closer to the door, he felt the metallic cold of a droid. His fingers curled, taking hold of the empty air before raising his hand over his head.

Inside the station, the droid hampering their efforts to enter the facility lifted off the floor and hovered in the air while beeping frantically. Unable to reach the computer terminal, the droid could do nothing to stop the First Order from bypassing the last of the computerized defenses and unlock the door. As the massive blast doors slid open, an immediate firefight began between the First Order and Republic forces.

Kylo Ren set the enemy droid down and raised his lightsaber, running toward the battle lines and entering the fight. With savage abandon, Kylo cut down anyone who resisted. No blasters fired in his direction reached past the deflection of his crackling blade. Force powers slammed enemy soldiers into the floor, walls, and ceiling. In only a few minutes, the First Order secured the entrance. The Republic forces littered the floor with their dead, and only a ragged handful managed to retreat deeper into the base.

One of the First Order soldiers leveled a blaster toward the droid responsible for delaying their entrance, but a Force pull from Kylo Ren moved the droid out of the way before the fired bolt could destroy it.

"Download its memory for analysis," Kylo Ren instructed. "Once completed, reprogram it for our use. Don't destroy resources we can repurpose."

"Yes sir," the soldier accepted, snapping to attention. With a nudge from his blaster, the trooper silently ordered the Republic droid out the door and back toward the shuttles.

Kylo Ren turned in a swirl of his long cloak and led the push toward the command center of the massive factory complex.


The workers of the industrial facility on Sullust looked nervously toward the door with their large, slowly blinking eyes.

"Back to work," the facility superintendent ordered in the native tongue of his people. "The battle doesn't concern us."

The station personnel returned to their consoles, controlling robotic cranes and remote systems throughout the massive station and witnessing the results and military output on the glowing display screens covering the walls.

The blaster fire sounding outside the door abruptly ended. Silence, with the exception of the factory machinery humming and clanking in the distance, filled the command center for a few moments before the doors unlocked and slid open with a shriek of metal against metal. Kylo Ren stood in the opening, red lightsaber crackling in his hand while his helmet turned to gaze at the native workers.

The facility superintendent stepped forward, still well out of reach of the overpowered lightsaber, and bowed respectfully. He offered a greeting in his native dialect. A gleaming red protocol droid shuffled up behind the superintendent and provided a translation.

"The superintendent offers you greetings and welcomes you to the primary factory of Sullust," the droid explained in a feminine voice.

"You have no loyalty to the Republic?" Kylo asked, taking a slow and menacing step closer.

"The people of Sullust served the original Republic until it was destroyed by the Empire," the droid interpreted as the superintendent chattered away. "They served the Empire until it was destroyed by the Rebellion. They have never taken sides here, working simply for whoever holds power in the galaxy. If you so wish, they can serve you as they have served the New Republic."

Kylo didn't answer with words. He deactivated his lightsaber and gave a simple nod of acceptance.

"The superintendent thanks you," the droid finished as the leader of the facility bowed again in submission.

Kylo reached into his cloak and withdrew the thin disk of a communication device. Pressing the activation button with his thumb, he created a hovering image of Snoke's twisted and scarred face above the disk in lines of blue light.

"Master," Kylo reported. "Primary Sullust facility is under our control."

"Excellent," Snoke praised. "Have them begin production at once. I will dispatch reinforcements to you. When the planet is secure, take your attack force to the next designated target."

"As you command," Kylo accepted with a bow of his helmet.

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