22: Purpose of the Jedi

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From the moment the sun began to rise, Luke began the drilling of his students. Training was long and relentless. Luke knew their limits well and either pushed them to be comfortable at the furthermost edge of their abilities or to go beyond and set new limits.

"The only way you will fulfill your destiny," Luke had told Rey on her first day of training, "is to push yourself beyond what you think you can do and discover what you can do."

Currently, Rey moved slowly around the training arena. She held a wooden training sword in each hand. As she walked the perimeter of the fighting square, she spun the swords gracefully around her. The wooden blades crossed and whirled through the air, but never touched. Because of the intensive training Luke demanded of his students, the rhythmic movements of her swords had become so common, she didn't even have to think about it, allowing her to keep her focus on her opponent, Master Skywalker.

A thick band of red cloth wrapped around her head and tied in the back prevented her from using her eyes and compelled her to use the Force. Because of her inexperience using the Force, she saw everything in shades of gray, as if the world and everything in it were made of mist. Luke had given her enough instruction on how to focus her vision to prevent his Force presence from blinding her, but it took a modicum of concentration. She'd fought blindfolded before, so the distorted perspective of the Force vision didn't trouble her too much.

Abandoning her slow patrol of the arena, Rey charged into to attack. She raced straight toward Luke, but in the instant she before she reached him, she spun to her right. Rolling her wrists and shoulders at the right times, she made her blades rotate around her to create a moving shield until she completed the turn and brought both weapons across horizontally to attack Luke from the side.

Luke dropped the point of his own training sword until it aimed straight down. Keeping the weapon vertical, he brought it across and blocked both of Rey's blades at the same time.

Rey didn't hesitate or even show surprise at being so swiftly countered. After losing count how many training sessions she'd had, Luke's Force enhanced speed was more of an annoyance than a surprise. It gave him an edge she couldn't overcome no matter how much her skill will blades increased. Still, it provided a challenge in every encounter.

Spinning her swords to keep them in motion and ready for the next attack, Rey circled her opponent while occasionally lashing out with one of her blades. Luke, despite only having a single training sword to defend with, stood still with only his sword arm moving and almost casually blocked every strike aimed in his direction.

She kept calm, remembering how frustration had colored her first duel when Luke had bested her. After training with Sentis for so many years, she'd expected to do better. The frustration had drained away when Luke challenged four students to a duel at the same time, defeating the group with an equal amount of ease. It had made her realize the title Master Jedi wasn't simply honorary.

Rey skidded across the sandy ground of the training arena while leaning sideways to dodge a diagonal cut from Luke's training stick. Bringing up one of her blades, she tried to counter attack but was off balance. Luke made her pay for the mistake. A trio of quick strikes against the weapon loosened her grip, and the final blow sent it spinning from her hand.

Kicking away, Rey rolled across the ground to gain some distance before jumping back to her feet and approaching again with only a single weapon.

Luke remained where he was, his expression calm and his posture as straight as a tree.

Lacking her second sword, Rey planned to be much more cautious in her second attack, but Luke didn't give her the chance. Without warning, he went on the offensive, charging her position while weaving a horizontal figure eight with his sword. Wooden blades met again and again in a rhythmic series of echoing impacts. The crack of colliding swords filled the air as Rey was driven back. Sweat beaded on her forehead and arms as she worked her sword back and forth to deflect the flurry of strikes being aimed at her.

Her sword missed one parry by the smallest degree, and it was enough for Luke to hook his own blade around hers and rip the weapon from her hand. His sword came whipping back around and paused just under her chin.

Rey was breathing hard, but she stepped back and bowed her head slightly in acknowledgement of his victory. She went to collect her swords.

"You're doing better," Luke praised.

"I still lost," she grumbled.

"Yes," Luke agreed. "However, it took you longer to do so this time."

Rey looked back at Luke to see if he was joking, but his face was neutral, revealing nothing.

"When it comes to improvement, speed is irrelevant," Luke suggested. "Even mighty trees must take time to grow. You are improving, and that is enough. You may remove the blindfold now."

"Is training with this really necessary?" Rey questioned as she pulled the cloth from over her eyes.

"It's important because it helps you to rely upon the Force and get used to it flowing through you," Luke told her. "You can't simply be a soldier who's good with a laser sword."

"Why not?" Rey insisted.

"The opponents Jedi face are usually Force capable," Luke explained. "Ordinary soldiers of the Republic can handle most threats and problems. The Jedi exist to protect against what is too strong for the Republic deal with on their own."

Luke leaned down and picked up a Porg that had ventured near the training arena.

"Do you know how the people of the Republic are like this creature?" Luke questioned.

"No," Rey denied. "How so?"

"They have predators who would wish to do them harm," Luke explained. "The predators are too strong for them, so the Porgs stay close. They're safe with us nearby. The people of the Republic, valiant though many of them may be, are not able to contend with some of the predators who seek to harm them. You've seen Kylo Ren in action. What could a non-Force user do against him in battle?"

"Die," Rey answered immediately.

"This is our life and purpose," Luke went on, ruffling the feathers on the Porg's head while it warbled happily with its eyes closed. "We fight the threats others cannot face. We have set aside our lives and ambitions to put the good of the Republic and its people first. We face the worst the galaxy has to offer, so others can live their lives blissfully unaware of the monsters crouching at their door."

Luke set the Porg down, patted its head in farewell, and turned back to Rey.

"To be a Jedi is not simply having a power others don't," Luke finished. "It requires unwavering dedication and a true understanding of the great task entrusted to us. Do you think you have that?"

"I don't know," Rey admitted.

Luke nodded before telling her. "We shall see."

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