14: Leia's Leadership

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The Senate chambers were a massive domed amphitheater. Each level of the Senate was wider than the one beneath it, allowing for over a thousand worlds to be represented in a single room. The seats for the officials of each world were located in circular repulsorpods positioned at evenly spaced and staggered intervals like the scales of an enormous gray snake. The pods contained a central area with three seats and enough space for a group of assistants to stand around them without being crowded. A waist high wall, sloping downward toward the outside edge, surrounded the seats in a wide ring. Mounted on the left and right sides, a pair of antigravity units provided momentum when the pod detached from its docking mount to float outward into the Senate area when needing to address the assembled representatives.

Han stepped onto a platform and flipped a switch to activate the lift system. Originally, the Chancellor of the Republic stood on the central platform rising from the middle of the room like a single flower in the center of a spacious garden. Since the fall of the old Republic had come at the hands of the last person to hold the title, it had been decided to do away with the position of Chancellor and install a Mediator instead, someone who could get the worlds to work together for a unifying purpose.

Leia had been elected to the position six times with none willing to challenge her either out of respect or simply because most Senators didn't think anyone else could do the job better. With delays hampering her arrival, Han was prepared to stand in her place. His hand unconsciously touched the blaster holstered along the side of his leg as the platform raised into view of the Senators. The arguing echoing around the chamber hushed as they saw him.

"Due to the evacuation fleet needing her attention," Han began, his voice broadcast by speakers to every corner of the room, "Leia has been delayed, but she will be here in due time. Until then, what's the current situation?"

One of the Senators pressed the switch on the arm of her chair to release her repulsorpod. An audible humming filled the room as the pod glided over to hover in front of Han and his standing position on the central platform. Han recognized her as Evanna Leton. The woman's silver hair revealed her advanced years, but the lines on her face were not a numerous or as pronounced as they should've been, allowing her to retain the majority of her youthful appearance.

"Our situation is most dire," Evanna proclaimed, looking over the Senate chambers as her strong and unwavering voice echoed from the dome. "The First Order has assaulted sixteen star systems. Of those, only nine were held by the Republic. The remaining seven have fallen, and we recently lost contact with Corellia and Sullust. If this were not enough, many former Imperials, forgiven of their crimes when serving the Galactic Empire have betrayed us to the enemy, causing the loss of six planets and three orbiting defense platforms."

"I've just returned from Corellia," Han added when Evanna paused. "The Quartermaster there was a former Imperial and sided with the First Order. Corellia is lost."

Murmuring from the crowd filled the air with an irritated buzzing.

"The First Order would seem to be attempting to deprive the Republic of its manufacturing capability," Evanna suggested.

"I would say it reveals something very important about their military capacity," Han quickly put forward.

Evanna didn't ask for any additional information, but she silently stared at Han with her green eyes while waiting for him to elaborate.

"They took Corellia, and possibly Sullust as well, but they didn't destroy them," Han pointed out. "It would seem they want to do more than simply deny us the worlds and their production capacities. The First Order entered from beyond our borders, so having to withdraw completely to their territory for repairs or replacements would be a major drain on their ability to fight a long war. They want a foothold in Republic territory where they can build more of their ships and repair any damage they take."

"That theory would coincide with the latest report I received," Evanna added. "Felucia was hit by a First Order assault team early this morning."

"That planet isn't of any tactical advantage," bellowed the large and slug shaped Senator from Nal Hutta. The circuitry in his microphone translated to each person unable to understand his native dialect.

"It may not be of strategic importance," Evanna agreed. "However, a prison was located on that primordial world. Many of the Empire's worst were sentenced there in the hopes the lethal environment would deter escape attempts. No one expected outside assistance. The prison has been liberated, and its inmates have joined the First Order."

"First manufacturing capability," Han mused aloud, "now, an infusion of fresh troops to fill those new ships. The First Order is either wanting to expand its capabilities or replace its losses with little disruption. Either way, we need to put an end to it before it goes any further."

"You could simply kill all Imperial prisoners remaining before they have a chance to be freed," the Hutt Senator suggested.

"That is not an option!" Han interrupted, pointing directly at the Senator.

"Why not?" the Hutt asked, his tail gently swishing behind him in a casual manner.

"Because killing the defenseless is not the way of the Republic," Leia answered as she entered the Senate chambers. Although it hadn't been used in years, Leia stood in the place reserved for the ambassador from Alderaan. "Killing those who can't fight back is what the Empire did and what we fought to stop."

Leia activated her pod's systems, detaching it from the docking latches and letting it hover out into the open space where all could see her. Every whispered conversation ended as everyone waited to hear what she would say.

"The First Order may be pushing us hard," Leia began, "but who we really are as a people is revealed when we are pushed to our limits. Shall we break and become as murderous and callous as those we oppose? No. Not while I live! The Republic was founded to protect the rights of its people, even its prisoners. Those Imperials surrendered peacefully under the promise we would treat them honorably, and we shall hold to our word."

"They are joining our enemy," the Hutt pointed out.

"Those who have done so broke our arrangement and are no longer protected by it," Leia answered. "When we meet them in battle, they shall die.  Those still in prison remain under our protection."

"What about the former Imperials working for the Republic?" the Hutt insisted. "Can we lock them up before they betray us?"

"I will not imprison people for past associations," Leia refused. "If they betray the Republic, we will hunt them down, but I won't confine the innocent because of what they might do. If we compromise our values and the rights the Republic was founded to protect, then it has already fallen, and the war is lost. Now is the time where we shall prove who we really are and what we stand for."

The Hutt nodded as a smile nearly as wide as his face appeared.

"That is the General I remember," the Hutt proclaimed, bellowing a laugh. "The one I was proud to follow into battle against the remnants of the Empire, and the one I shall follow against the First Order."

Cheers of agreement went up from the other Senators until the entire chamber echoed with shouts of support for Leia and her leadership of the Republic.

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