25: Third Fleet

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Holdo was escorted into the secondary control room, and although Leia's lightsaber was off, it remained in her hand and ready for immediate use should the situation require it.

"We're clearing the gravity field of the interdictor cruiser," Captain Varnel reported.

Before Leia could praise the Captain for his success, alarms began sounding as fleet of thirty Star Destroyers, accompanied by a host of smaller support vessels, dropped out of hyperspace directly in front of the Republic ships. TIE fighters launched in thick clouds and swarmed to the attack. Green lasers filled the space around the evacuation fleet as it came under heavy fire almost instantly.

On the bridge of the trailing First Order fleet, Kylo crossed his arms over his chest and nodded slowly as Hux reported the arrival of the Third Fleet from Kuat.

"Perfectly timed," Kylo replied. "Status of the primary Republic cruiser?"

"Their shields are still in place," Hux reported.

"It would seem the spy failed to deliver," Kylo commented. "No matter. We'll still be able to overwhelm them. Are our fighters ready?"

"They are," Hux confirmed. "Shall I give the order to launch?"

"You may," Kylo agreed.

More First Order fighters poured from hangar bays to join in the assault on the besieged Republic fleet.

"Can we make the jump to hyperspace?" Leia asked as a computer console to her left overloaded in an explosion of white sparks and broken circuits.

"Not without going through the new fleet," Captain Varnel denied. "They've got too much firepower. We're not going to get past them."

Leia noticed Holdo smirking.

"What about Crait?" Leia questioned. "Can we get there?"

"It's possible," Varnel speculated. "It's close but still within the interdictor's range."

"Never mind about that," Leia dismissed. "We need some cover, and we don't have any between two fleets. We'll have to land and make our stand there."

"Understood, making for the planet," Varnel agreed before passing the commands to his people.

"Poe," Leia said to the pilot standing nearby. "Get to your ship and take command of the fighters. Screen the fleet as best you can. Don't engage the enemy, just keep them off our back."

"Got it," Poe accepted and sprinted from the room.

Leia stepped over to Holdo and told her in a voice only the two of them could hear, "Don't look too pleased. If the fleet is destroyed, you're going with us."

"The Republic will fall either way," Holdo sneered. "My part in this is finished."

"I'll say it is," Leia agreed, her eyes steel as she looked at the woman who had once held her trust.

Three escorting frigates and one medium cruiser didn't reach Crait as the combined fire of the two First Order fleets proved too much for their deflector shields. The four ships vanished in expanding clouds of fire and debris. Heavily damaged but still maneuverable, Leia's cruiser plunged down through the atmosphere, the winds buffeting the large vessel as it raced toward the ground.

TIE fighters followed the cruiser to the planet's surface, harassing it and its surviving two vessels for as long as they were able. Poe and all the fighters from the evacuation fleet did their best to thin the enemy's numbers, but the First Order had them vastly outnumbered, reducing their overall effectiveness.

During the civil war against the Galactic Empire, the Rebel Alliance had used Crait for a base. The old fortress built into the side of the mountain had been abandoned for years, but many of its defenses had been left behind when the Alliance evacuated in haste. Surrounding the towering cliffs of the mountain fortress were miles and miles of salt fields. The white crust of salt covered over the blood red rhodocrosite crystal formations underneath, and as the cruiser flew low, the thrusters kicked away the salt covering to reveal the crimson minerals, leaving a trail behind the ship like a smear of blood.

In orbit, Kylo Ren watched his forces close in around the doomed Republic fleet. The noose had tightened around his foes, and it was only a matter of time before they were finished.

"Supreme Leader Snoke has arrived aboard his flagship, the Supremacy," Hux reported to Kylo.

"Why?" Kylo asked. "For what reason has he come here at this time?"

"I don't know," Hux admitted. "He has not contacted us. His ship simply appeared on our sensors when it came out of hyperspace."

"Very well," Kylo acknowledged. "Prepare my shuttle. I will speak with him directly."

Kylo spun around in a swirl of his long cape and departed from the bridge without waiting for Hux to reply.


The throne room of Supreme Leader Snoke was cavernous and only slightly above the temperature required for breathing to become visible. Curving pillars of black metal flanked the room, reaching up to the domed ceiling of the rounded chamber. The only color in the room came from the walls behind Snoke's throne. Bright red, the color of the walls bled across the reflective floors and nearly concealed the eight Praetorian guards standing silently in groups of four to either side of their master.

Kylo entered and knelt before Snoke.

"I sense a powerful Force presence on the Republic cruiser," Snoke said without questioning Kylo's reason for coming before him. The wounds to his face and lips slurred some of his words.

"It is Leia Solo," Kylo answered with his helmet bowed.

"Why does she still live?" Snoke questioned.

"My attack on the bridge should've killed her," Kylo defended.

"It didn't," Snoke immediately pointed out.

"A temporary problem," Kylo countered. "Her fleet is surrounded, cut off from escape. Those we haven't destroyed are trapped on the planet. They will all be dead before the day ends."

"Perhaps," Snoke offered in return, his tone unconvinced. "Your attempt to kill your father failed as did your efforts against your mother. I am here to ensure your dedication to the First Order hasn't begun to waver."

Kylo's hands became fists.

"My devotion has never wavered," Kylo told his master through gritted teeth.

"It had better not," Snoke growled. A flick of his wrist dismissed Kylo from his presence.

Kylo's fists were trembling at his sides as he left, and it took all the control he had to keep from storming out of the throne room. 

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