27: Supreme Leader

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"I command the First Order," Kylo told Rey. "We can build a stronger government than the corrupt Republic."

"The First Order is worse," Rey countered.

"Only under Snoke's command," Kylo replied. "He's dead. Now, I will take charge and improve its direction. You want the galaxy to be better. So do I. Help me make it happen."

He switched off his lightsaber and extended his empty hand, palm upward, toward her.

"No," Rey resisted. "You just killed a room full of people who didn't want to serve you. Your rule would be violence and slaughter."

"A leader can't have opposition in his ranks if he wishes to maintain control," Kylo explained. "Think well before deciding. Twice I have given you a chance to join me. It will not be offered a third time."

Rey took a step back, wishing she'd been holding a lightsaber.

"Very well," Kylo accepted. The fingers on his outstretched hand curled slightly, and the restricting pressure returned to Rey, holding her in place.

"How did you know about the Jedi academy?" Kylo asked as he searched her mind.

Rey wanted to thrash about, to do anything to free herself, but her body wouldn't move.

"Skywalker. You found Skywalker," Kylo whispered. "Where is he?"

His fingers tightened and pain began burning through Rey's mind.

"A remote world," Kylo went on as he tore through her memories. "Islands."

A hand clamped down on her shoulder. Kylo and the throne room vanished like a cloud of smoke in a high wind.

"Rey!" Luke shouted, bringing her mind back to the mountaintop where she'd been meditating.

She was breathing hard, and residual pain made her hold her upper arm where Kylo had grabbed her.

"What was that?" Rey gasped. "I thought I was only looking. How did Kylo even know I was there?"

"The Force is energy," Luke explained. "Think of it as an enormous lake and every Force user is in a boat. The more powerful the Jedi or Sith, the bigger the boat and the larger ripples they create. It is these disturbances that allow those who are sensitive to the Force to detect each other's presence as he detected yours."

"Why does my arm hurt?" Rey questioned. "How did he grab me?"

"Your mind was there, and pain is in the mind," Luke told her. "Because you were connected to the Force energy of that place, Kylo only had to manipulate that energy to prevent you from leaving. Looking through the Force is a very dangerous thing to do when you're not prepared or supervised by someone who can pull you out of it if necessary. It's why I was going to wait until you were more thoroughly trained. It's not for beginners."

"I'm sorry," Rey apologized. "I didn't know."

"At least no harm was done," Luke responded.

"No," Rey denied hesitantly. "He knows you're teaching me and the students are alive."

Luke's posture stiffened.

"What else did he get?" Luke questioned. "Does he know where we are?"

"He knows it's a remote planet with islands," Rey answered. "He was about to get the rest when you pulled me out of it."

"We'll prepare for evacuation," he decided.

"Why?" Rey asked. "If he doesn't know where we are, he won't be able to attack us. Will he?"

"There are plenty of planets with islands, so he can't search them all," Luke said. "However, if he did manage to retrieve a specific location from your mind, we had best be prepared."


When Rey called Chewbacca on the comlink, he was surrounded by a small flock of chattering porgs looking for a handout.

"The First Order might know where we are," Rey told him. "Get the ship ready. We're leaving as soon as possible."

Chewbacca growled a response, tossing the remains of his rations on the ground where it was promptly swarmed by porgs rushing to inspect the tasty offering. Striding up the ramp Chewbacca headed for the cockpit to power up the ship for launch.


Kylo looked down on the bisected pieces of his former master for a moment before turning toward the door to leave. Without warning, a Force grip seized him and hurled Kylo against the wall. Stunned, Kylo staggered back to his feet, looking around for the unseen enemy.

"Did you think you could betray me?" the snarling voice of Snoke demanded from the empty air around Kylo.

"You're dead," Kylo said unconvincingly.

"Am I?" Snoke asked. A second Force attack hurled Kylo into the opposite wall. "Did you think that withered husk was me? That was only what remained of the last fool who thought he could challenge my power."

A transparent specter of a figure in a long cloak and hood appeared before Kylo. The figure was made of shadow, so the cruel smile was made of black teeth and the eyes were glittering gems in deep sockets.

"Why the masquerade?" Kylo demanded. "Why pretend that thing was you?"

"The answer should be obvious, even to you," Snoke replied. "If someone was determined to attack me, it's better they strike against a decoy than the real thing. He's not even the first I've used."

"What do you mean?" Kylo inquired.

"Did you ever wonder how the Jedi never sensed the dark side in the Emperor when he was still a senator?" Snoke asked in return. "How could they sit across a desk from him and not detect his connection to the Force?"

"You?" Kylo assumed.

"My power blinded them," Snoke confirmed.  "They couldn't see him for what he was because they were sensing my presence as well, making them think the dark side they felt was something else, somewhere else."

"Why?" Kylo demanded. "Another decoy?"

"In part," Snoke confirmed. "When one is building an empire, it's good to know who might decide to cause opposition. By creating the Empire and the Emperor, I set in motion a chain of events to draw out those willing to fight. When I allowed my servant to fall, those previously concealed in the shadows as the Rebellion stepped into leadership positions within the new Republic. Rather than having to dig them out of hiding, the Rebels and all their supporters were now out in the open where I could see them, identify them, and destroy them, making way for my true empire to take power. The only ones who could disrupt my plans are the Jedi, but for that, I have you."

"Master Skywalker never betrayed me," Kylo growled. "Now you want me to hunt him?"

"Skywalker would've given his life to save you," Snoke confirmed. "He sensed my influence on you and secreted the students somewhere even I couldn't sense them. It doesn't matter if you know the truth now. You are still under my power and will obey me."

"I'll never serve you again," Kylo spat.

"Really?" Snoke questioned. He clenched his right hand, and Kylo was dragged off the floor to hover in front of him. "Take a good look at that withered husk you thought was me and behold what happens to those who defy my power."

Snoke released his hold on Kylo, dropping him to his knees.

"You will serve me as my apprentice or as my puppet," Snoke told him coldly. "It doesn't matter to me which."

Kylo's shoulders slumped, and he bowed his head before softly answering, "Yes, my Master."

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