20: Dangerous Consequences

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Finn and Rose were hurrying toward the lift when the doors opened to allow a squad of security guards in the dark green of the Republic to exit. Rose grabbed Finn's wrist when he started to raise his hands in surrender. She dragged him back against the wall as the guards hurried past.

"There was always a chance they weren't after us yet," she whispered to Finn, who wiped a layer of nervous sweat from his forehead. "Keep moving."

Finn followed Rose's suggestion and moved swiftly toward the lift before any more guards arrived.

Blaster fire from the guards rushing into the hangar peppered against Poe's deflector screens as his fighter lifted off the deck. Once the ship was aimed in the right direction, Poe shoved the throttle forward and sent his fighter screaming into space. On his rear display screen, he saw other fighters being prepped for launch, but he knew they'd be too late to stop him.

Poe switched his display to an overlay of the gravity field caused by the interdictor cruiser. Finding the closest edge, he set a course and flew toward it at maximum velocity.

The guards immediately turned their hostile attention toward the other people in the bay.

"No one can stroll into a hangar bay and steal a fighter without being noticed," the squad leader barked from behind the faceshield of his helmet. "Someone must have seen them, and someone better speak up before I arrest the lot of you as accomplices."

"Technician Rose Tico was working over there," one of the workers in the back of the group called out in a timid voice while trying to stay behind the others and avoid being seen.

"That First Order defector was there too," shouted another voice.

"Attention all security teams," the squad leader said into the internal microphone in his helmet. "Apprehend the First Order defector and technician Rose Tico for questioning. Stun them if they offer any resistance."

When the lift shuddered suddenly, Finn checked the display screen and discovered a problem.

"We're not headed for the secondary command center," Finn told Rose. "We've changed directions."

"I can fix it," Rose promised, withdrawing a tool from a pocket on her leg. Before she could remove the access panel, the doors flew open and a dozen blasters pointed in at Rose and Finn.

Knowing the fight would be suicidal without any chance for victory, Finn and Rose surrendered. The guards quickly scanned them for concealed weapons before wedging into the lift with them and escorting the prisoners to the command center.

"Vice Admiral," the squad leader announced. "We've captured the suspects."

Holdo turned around. When she saw Finn, she crossed her arms and used the fact she was several inches taller than either of them to look down on the pair as they were brought forward.

"Excellent work," Holdo congratulated the team leader. "These traitors and spies won't cause any further disruption."

"We're not spies," Rose protested.

"Nor traitors," Finn added.

"I ordered the fleet on lockdown," Holdo reminded. "You disobeyed my orders. I wanted no chance of the plan falling into enemy hands, and you helped a spy escape."

"Poe isn't working for the First Order," Finn objected.

"You aren't the most credible of witnesses," Holdo dismissed the statement with a wave of her hand.

"I turned my back on the First Order and helped Poe escape," Finn reminded, his tone sharp.

"Don't remind us how you treasonously turned against your former masters," Holdo sneered. "It won't earn you any trust here."

"We launched the fighter to get into hyperspace earlier than the slow moving cruisers," Rose explained as the discussion was increasing in volume. She tried to keep her own voice at an even level as she stepped between Holdo and Finn. "Poe will signal for reinforcements once he's out of jamming range. This way we can fight the First Order or have a wider screen to cover our retreat to the planet."

"Assuming the fleet he brings back is with the Republic," Holdo pointed out. "He was formerly captured by the First Order. This Stormtrooper says he rescued him, but what if they were set loose to establish a new covert network within our ranks? I won't let you succeed."

"Finn and Poe both worked to destroy Starkiller base," Rose reminded.

"The First Order increased their attacks afterwards, showing it to be a minor post in their forces," Holdo countered. "They'd already destroyed the Hosnian system. The station could've been expendable at that point, surely much less valuable than two highly places spies in our ranks."

Holdo turned toward the tactical station in charge of ship defense.

"Bring the forward weapons on-line and shoot down the spy before he can pass any vital information," Holdo commanded.

"Sir?" the gunner questioned.

"You heard me," Holdo growled. "Target the enemy fighter and destroy it."

Many of the crew were looking at each other in response to the Vice Admiral's extreme response.

"Shouldn't we contact him and order him back?" a nervous lieutenant questioned.

"No!" Holdo denied. "We can't waste time. The longer we wait, the more likely he'll simply transfer our escape plans to the enemy by messenger probe."

"He's only trying to help," Rose insisted.

The gunner looked back and forth between Rose and Holdo but made no move toward the weapon controls.

Holdo reached behind her back and pulled out a blaster she'd secreted between her belt and the loose folds of her gray dress. She aimed the weapon at the gunner's head. "Fire or I will label you a traitor as well."

The gunner swallowed hard as he looked at Holdo and the end of her blaster. He swiveled back to his station and powered up the turbo laser batteries. Already on high alert, the warm-up procedure took no time at all and was ready to fire within seconds. The gunner reached for the switch, pausing momentarily and glancing out of the corner of his eye toward Holdo and her blaster before pressing the button to shoot down Poe's fighter.

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