Chapter 15: His broken spirit

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Chapter Warnings: Abuse and heart-wrenching moments, :c enjoy~

                                Alastor sighed as he walked into his home, the door closed and he stared, surprised at the dark-skinned woman in the familiar red dress standing in his living room. He raised a brow questionably at her. "I had not expected to see you here. I would have thought you to return to hell and hide there." Alastor said, a bitterness to his tone, but Rosie in that human flesh that used to be hers didn't seem to take offense to his words.

She smiled walking forward. "Alastor you know I'm your good friend." He wouldn't go that far to say 'friend' he didn't have friends, just allies. "I'll stick by your side through this." Alastor only grinned not bothering to question her motives. Rosie wasn't as innocent as she acted and he knew that, she was obviously doing this to get on his more favorable side and likely earn that candlelit dinner. That, or, she was simply a pawn following orders.

"Do as you wish," Alastor commented as he walked past the woman who smiled happily.

"So what poor soul are you going to torture today, sweet pea?" Rosie asked curiously as her dark brown eyes watched Alastor walk up the stairs. He waved his hand as he paused at the bottom of the stairs and to her surprise, not a weapon but a book appeared in his hand.

"I'm afraid there will be no killing today, I will be doing some reading, alone." He announced as he walked up the stairs leaving the woman alone downstairs.

As he walked down the hall and into the first room on his right he promptly closed the door so as to not be disturbed. As he glanced around his room he took a seat at his desk and set the leather book down. The cover held a silhouette of two human beings one male the other female with two red strings connecting them.

He sighed as he sat down and opened up the book before beginning to read...

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