Chapter 24

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"Husker, where are you going?" Said demon was walking to the door of their private room fully intent on leaving. The cat demon paused with his claw barely touching the doorknob. He whirled around at Alastor's question, his wings sprawling out in displeasure.

"You think I'm sticking around for this?! When's the last time you fuckin' felt anything!" Alastor, not bothered by Husks yelling, only stared for a moment to consider that thought.

"When my mother was still alive.." Alastor admitted his usual tone dipping into something more mournful for a mere moment. Husk frown deepened as his wings seized back to their sides. He sighed empathetically, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"You've been numb all these years and now you're feeling something. That sounds kinda crazy." Alastor tapped his chin.

"Perhaps. But this is hell and I am already dead so Husker what do I have to lose?" The other demon rolled his eyes.

"A lot actually." He muttered walking regrettably back to the couches. Alastor followed him with a tight smile upon the mention of those words. Husk fell back onto the couch, groaning loudly as he spread his arms across the back of the couch.

"So she makes you 'feel'." Husk said using air quotes.

"He" Alastor corrected. "Although he seems to play into both genders, but, I do not particularly care about that." Seeing the look on Alastor's face and the way his smile tightened, the way his eyes stared at the glass of alcohol befuddled...

It was enough to make Husk almost burst out laughing. He brought a hand to cover the ever-growing smile in an attempt to not laugh. Alastor noticed his strange behavior and only tilted his head to the side ever so slightly. "What is so funny?"

Husk shook his head, taking his hand away. "You're really that dense? Isn't it obvious? They're a're a guy..." Alastor only continued to stare with that same look which only further added to Husk trying not to laugh.

He continued on wheezing a bit. "Alastor, come on, you're demisexual and you 'feel' around him." The staring continued as if to say 'get to the point'

"You like him." Husk finally concluded. Alastor took in the information, his facial expression turning into something more bothered.

He laughed suddenly shaking his head. "Husker, my dear, that is preposterous. No, no, no, these 'feelings' must be due to some other matter. Yes certainly, perhaps it is simply that they are entertaining." Husk slapped his face, dragging his hand down it.

"So you haven't done anything a little out of character that you'd never done for someone else." Alastor stared for a few moments. When he did not answer Husk stood up flapping his wings to stretch them out.

"That's what I thought."

Alastor's eyes narrowed. "I do not understand. How is something like this possible?" Husk shrugged.

"Hell if I know." He walked to the door. "But I do know you hate having whateva' the fuck it is that you like taken away from you. Last time someone took away your damn hunting spot you-" Husk paused and shuttered not daring to repeat the incident. "But that was a fuckin' hunting spot. So I say you hurry up and tell this guy whatever it is you gotta tell him and hope you don't end up killing him." Alastor hummed in thought.

"What if I choose not to. Would it not be better this way?" Another shrug.

"Right you're fuckin' new to this.." Husk mumbled. "Do what you want Al but I can tell you right now, if you do actually care about 'em then pretending you don't or not saying shit's gonna backfire on you." Alastor said no more, only processing what Husk said.

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