Chapter 45: His guilt

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 "So let me get this straight. He's been KIDNAPPED by his boss and he's also been a prostitute for years?!"

"Yes, that is correct from my understanding."

"And you didn't help him because."

Aaron glared at the brunette from his spot in the armchair whilst the other calmly stood just in front of the coffee table.

"As I've already said I didn't arrive there in time. I had only managed to see them pulling away in their vehicle." Actually, he hadn't gone after him because he couldn't touch Angel. But that would sound crazy to them.

The other male growled, springing up from his seat and marching over to the brunette. Within seconds his hand had grabbed the front of Alastor's vest and a fist was winding back ready to hit its target.

But Alastor didn't try to fight back, his arms only dangling at his sides as his gaze stayed on the other man.

I deserve this.

"Alrigh' let's stop fuckin' fighting." Cherri jumped in getting between the two and pushing Aaron off the other.

She held a hand in front of the raging Italian who still looked ready to hit the smiling man. Although, his smile hardly looked happy.

"At least he called us. So give him a little credit. Now can we just focus on gettin' Angel back? Instead of fuckin' fightin'. The longer we fight the more Angies stuck there. And who knows what they're doin' to him."

"Yes, Cherri is right! You all are being barbaric." Pentious added from the couch.

"Um...why don't we just go to the police?" All eyes in the room looked to the other male on the end of the couch beside Pentious. His green eyes nervously looking away under red bangs.

"Why is he here," Alastor growled at the redhead.

"Because," Cherri placed her hands on her hips. "If Valentino has Angel then were gonna need all the help we can get... An goin' to the police ain't gonna do shit in this case. Danny shot Vox in the knee so that's good 'nough for me long as we got the help."

Hesitant Green met fierce brown briefly before they looked away.

"W-wait so, Angel's...Angel's a prostitute-not that there's anything wrong with that-but uh..geez this is a lot to process."

"Back to the topic at hand." Alastor cut in sternly. "I've managed to find where they've taken him." Thanks to his shadow. "However a plan would be ideal before rushing in." Another pause. "Yet I do not see how dragging along this dead weight will be helpful."

"I don't see you comin' up with a better plan," Aaron growled, pointing a finger at the brunette.

"I am not happy that he's been taken."

"Really? Coulda fooled me with that fuckin' smile of yours-"

Cherri cut between them again, rolling her eyes. "Both of you knock it off or I'm gon' put ya in a fucking grave ten feet under!'

Both men fell silent, Alastor's gaze falling. Something was off about the brunette's smile, it looked strained and there was no smile to his eyes. Although the only one who actually noticed this was Daniel.

"Look I've known about Val longer than any of you," Cherri stated, crossing her arms. "He's crazy, and you don't wanna go in there alone. So when we go in we'll split up. But I wanna know we got someone watching your back."

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