Chapter 60: Temporary bliss

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    She knew doing this was pointless, but sitting around and doing nothing. Watching and waiting, knowing what was to happen. It was something that she couldn't do. 

    He had helped her out much more than her father. And despite his rough demeanor, she considered him a friend. There was good in him, she could just see it. To know that he had finally found happiness even in a place he didn't exactly belong, it made her smile. Even if it was all a game to another.

    Shaking her head, she came to a stop in front of the store. 

    No, she refused to stand by any longer. Someone needed to know. If she was unable to do anything, maybe another could.

    With a firm knock on the door, she waited a few minutes until there was a sound of heels clicking against the floor. Bracing herself for this encounter unsure of what could be said. 

    When the door opened there was a pause, as large black eyes settled on the shorter demoness in confusion. "Oh, hello Charlie," Rosie spoke with a forced smile. "What brings you here? My shop isn't open just yet." 

    Charlie politely smiled back, fixing her gown anxiously. "Hello, Ms. Rosie." She even sounded nervous. "May I come in? There's something I need to discuss with you....It's about Alastor."

    Rosie's demeanor fell, showing her concern for the demon above ground. She stared, "...hurry up." Charlie nodded briskly following her into the closed shop. With the door shut Rosie turned to the princess her smile no longer there. "Why don't I fetch us some tea? Then you can tell me all about it."

    "Thank you, I'd like that very much." Truthfully, the walk over here hadn't been enough to quell her nerves. So she gladly took a seat on one of the sofa's as told and waited while Rosie went to make her tea. 

    If she calculated it right, and with the extermination having passed just a few days ago. A year had passed up there on earth, meaning Alastor was bound to his human body. She wondered how he was doing, hoping he was alright. There were bound to be some changes with his body but that wouldn't matter much. Lest she tries to do something.

    "I hope you don't mind green tea?" Rosie said, setting the tray down on the coffee table. Tea always helped to calm her and right now she felt that was needed. Especially with Hell's princess showing up at her door. 

    "It's fine, thank you." Charlie took up one of the cups, taking a sip as Rosie did. The aroma did help her relax. 

    "So what brings you here?" The question only returned the knot in her stomach. 

    She set down the tea-cup to keep from breaking it. Rosie watched her closely well aware of how nervous she appeared. Unable to meet the other's gaze, she still pressed on. "I'm sorry." She began. 

    Rosie perplexed, asked, "what for?" As she set her cup down.

    Charlie was hesitant to continue, knowing this would not be well-received. Her nails dug into her gown. "I doomed Alastor by just coming into contact with him." 

    Rosie's reply caught in her throat at the site; Charlie was trembling.

    "I-I'm very sorry." When she looked up her eyes were glossy. "I didn't mean for this to happen I swear."

    Rosie's face hardened, eyes narrowing on the princess. "What do you mean." 

    Charlie continued to tremble, a stay tear leaving her eye. "Alastor has a target on his back...father is.." Her sentence fell. Throat tightening to the point of no words. 

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