18 - Pansmione

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*Hermione and Pansy are on a date. They are walking along the seaside. Hermione shivers*

Pansy: What's wrong?

Hermione: Nothing, I'm just cold.

Pansy: Didn't I tell you to take your jacket?

*Plus her coat on Hermione*

Now you're cold,

*Takes a random woman's scarf and puts it on Hermione*

and will probably catch a cold.

*Takes a man's woolly hat, and shoves it onto Hermione*

This way we won't be able to go on dates,

*Accio's a pair of gloves*

And I will be the worst girlfriend,

*Gets another coat and puts that on Hermione as well*

In the history of girlfriend!

*Hermione more represents a stuffed turkey*

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