- jealously

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This one will be shorter than other ones I'll be doing

Y/n's pov

I was talking to my friend, Soph, about college and other stuff. I was gonna graduate soon and I didn't know what college to choose. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Anna. She was staring at me and Soph. I could tell she was jealous. She's always jealous when I'm talking to another girl. I liked that though. It's cute. I looked at Soph and nodded my head lightly in Anna's way. She caught onto it and laughed.

"Is she really jealous that I'm talking to you?" She asked me.
"Yep, she gets jealous everytime I'm talking to any girl." I said.
"Awww." She said. She put her arm over my shoulder and brought me close to her. I know what she was trying to do. I looked over at Anna and she was pissed.

I smirked and I put my arm around my friends waist. She kissed my cheek and took her arm away, laughing slightly. "She pissed, Y/n." She said to me.
"I know, it's cute." I said and I looked back at her. She kissed my cheek and smirked. I saw Anna get up and walk over to us. She pushed Soph away, not to hard though. She didn't fall or anything, which was good. Only enough force to get her away from me. Anna put her arms around my waist while hiding her her face in my neck. I wrapped my arms around her and looked over at Soph. She smiled and I smiled back.
"Mine." I heard Anna whisper and I kissed her cheek.
"All yours, baby." I whispered back to her.


Okay, that's all for rn. This would so be me tho. I get jealous so easily😂

Word: 306

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