- make me

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"Stop being a brat, Anna." Y/n growled and I rolled my eyes.
"Fuck you." I said and went to walk away from her.

Y/n grabbed me and turned me around, slamming me against the wall. Her hand wrapped around my throat and I looked up at her.

"Stop it." She said.
"Make me." I whispered back and she growled.
"Upstairs, now." She said and let go of me.

I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs into our room. I sat down on the bed and Y/n walked in.

She shut the door and walked over to the bed. She sat next to me and grabbed my hair, pulling my head back so I could look at her. She pressed her lips to mine, her grip on my hair tightening.

She let my hair go and pushed me down on the bed. She climbed between my legs and pressed her lips to mine again. I wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her closer to me and she slipped her tongue into my mouth.

Her warm hand roamed all over my body and then she pulled away. A whine left my mouth and I looked at her. "Take your shirt off." she said and I took it off, throwing it somewhere in the room.

I looked back at her and her eyes were glued to my chest. She looked at me and attached her lips to mine again.
Her hand slid between my legs and started rubbing my thigh. Softly biting my lip, she pulled away.

She unbuttoned my shorts and slipped them off, along with my underwear. She threw them on the floor and layed down on her stomach between my thighs. She pushed my thighs opened and kissed my right thigh.

She looked up at me and swiftly ran a digit through my wet pussy lips, a trail of my wetness strung from her finger. She circled my hole for a second then entered her finger.

She kept pushing her finger in and out of me and I looked down at her innocuous state, she knew she was in control and she could switch personalities within a second.

She then shoved another finger into me and began fucking me harshly. I threw my head back and moaned loudly. She took her fingers out of me and I whined, looking at her. She crawled back up my body and pinned my hands over my head.


I looked up at her and opened my mouth. She pushed her fingers in my mouth and my tongue swirled around both of them.
She took them back out my mouth and pressed her lips to mine. Her hand traveled back down my body and she slipped her fingers back into me.

A gasp escaped my mouth as she pulled away. She attached her lips to my neck, sucking harshly. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back as a louder moan moan escaped my lips.

She picked up her pace as I repeatedly clenched around her fingers. Her thumb rubbed circles on my clit and she pushed her fingers deeper into me. My back arched the bed and she pulled away from my neck.

My eyes rolled back and I gasped for air, my hands grabbing onto the sheets underneath me.

"Cum for me." she said and I moaned loudly as my orgasm came crashing down upon me. She left her fingers inside of me until I finished. After she took them out she put them into her mouth, sucking my cum off of them.

"I wanna taste you." She whispered and layed between my thighs again, she lowered her head between my legs and began lapping her tongue up my pussy. My thighs closed around her head as moans and gasps fell out of my mouth. She pried my legs open and held them down.

Not long after I was screaming and orgasming again.

She finally pulled away from my pussy and went back up and kissed me for a second.

"Do you wanna keep going?" she asked and I nodded.


imma write a second part (:
not edited
words: 698

𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘆 ; 𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑎 𝑠ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠Where stories live. Discover now