- wake up

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this chapter is probably my favorite so far

Anna's pov

I looked down and I was standing in sand. I looked around and saw I was at the beach.

The sun was setting. It was pretty.

The sky was orange. The sun was shining on the water.

"Wake up, now!" A voice said but I ignored it.

I looked over to my right and there was a swing attached to a tree with lights surrounding it.

A woman was standing next to it.

She started walking towards me and stopped in front of me. Her hand reached out and she cupped my cheek.

Her hands were soft and warm. I leaned my head against her hand, not wanting her to move it.

"Hey, bubs." She said. Her voice was raspy but soft. I looked up at her and she smiled.

"Wake up, Anna." The same voice said from earlier.

"Hi." I responded back, kinda shy.

"Don't be shy, baby. I'm not gonna hurt you. Come on, let's go swing. We can watch the sunset together." She said and I nodded. She pulled her hand away and grabbed my hand instead.

She pulled me over to the swing and lifted me up. She sat me on it and then sat next to me.

Her arm wrapped around my waist.

It felt nice.

Her touch.

I liked it. A lot.

I leaned my head on her and smiled. I looked out at the water. It was so calm.

"Its pretty, isnt it?" She whispered.
"Yeah." I whispered back and looked over at her. She looked at me and rested her hand on my cheek like earlier.

She leaned in and so did I. We were about to kiss.

"Hey, wake up! Time to go!" A voice said and I shot up.

"Huh. Okay, give me a minute." I said and looked beside me. My mom nodded and walked out my room.


It was just a dream.

Only a dream...

i liked this🙃
ngl this was inspired by a dream i had :)
not edited.
words: 349

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