- texts pt. 2

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billie is hot^^^


"Fuck, I missed you." I said as Y/n kissed my neck.
"I know you did, I missed you too" Y/n said back and she pulled away. She kissed me and I kissed back. Her hand travelled up my chest and she wrapped her hand around my neck. She lightly squeezed it and I moaned into her mouth.

"Jump." She whispered against lips. I jumped and she grabbed me by my thighs. I wrapped my legs around her waist and she pushed me up against my wall. She moved down to my neck and started sucking on my skin. I moaned when she started sucking on my sweet spot. She pulled away and looked at me.

"You have to be quiet. People are here." She whispered to me and I nodded.

She walked me to my bed and gently layed me down. She climbed on top of me and softly kissed me. She rested her hand on my hip and I wrapped my arms around her neck.

She pulled away and took my hoodie off. Her fingers traced my abs and she smiled.

"Fuck, you're gorgeous baby." She said and I blushed. She looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back and she leaned back up and kissed me. Her hands traveled all over my body and then she squeezed my right boob.

I gasped and she pulled away. She slipped her shirt off and I stared at her chest. I heard her chuckle and she took her sports bra off. She pressed her lips to my neck and I moaned.

She kissed down my neck down to my chest. She wrapped her mouth around my nipple and I softly gasped.

She pulled my shorts down and my underwear came off soon after. She pressed a kiss to my stomach one last time and looked up at me. I nodded my head and she got between my thighs.

She pressed her lips to my thighs multiple times, sucking on them here and there. I bucked my hips, a small whine leaving my mouth. She put her arm over my hips, pushing them back down and keeping them there.

"Be quiet, okay?" She said and I nodded.

I gasped when she softly kissed my clit and pulled away. She then attached her lips to my clit. My eyes fluttered closed as her tongue added pressure and swirl in figure 8's.

I let out a low moan then she pulled away. Her tongue made it's way to my hole and she slid it inside of me. I looked down at her and her y/c/e orbs stared right back to me. Her tongue trusted in and out of me.

Her fingers started playing with my clit and I threw my head back.

"Fuck," I moaned quietly. She took her fingers away and took her tongue out of me. Her tongue flicked softly against my clit and I moaned.

Her mouth attached to my clit, sucking on it harshly. A broken gasp escaped my lips and I bucked my hips. My hands gripped her hair, humping her face.

I bit my lip hard as I became closer. Her arms wrapped around my thighs and she brought me closer to her. I whimpered as her tongue swirled around my clit.

"Daddy." I whispered and she looked at me.
"Im gonna cum, fuck!" I moaned and arched my back. My legs started shaking as I came. She sucked on my clit a few times and pulled away. She licked up all of my cum and she moaned.

She got up and unbuttoned her pants and took them off, her boxers followed after. She crawled back on top of me and she held my chin. She pressed her lips to mine softly.

She pulled away and grasps both of my wrist in each of her hands and she slid herself inside of me. I gasped which soon turned into a soft moan. My tits bounced up and down everytime she slammed into me.

"Fuck," I moaned and she covered my mouth with her hand. She pulled out and slammed back in, hard.

I jumped at the sudden feeling on my cervix. She pushed two fingers in my mouth and told me to suck. I wrapped my lips around them, my tongue swirling around them. She pulled them out and slid them to my clit.

She rubbed circles on my clit and I threw my head back onto my soft pillow. I was so close.

"You like that, hm?" She whispered in my ear and I nodded. She started going faster and my mouth opened, forming an o. She covered my mouth with her hand.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I came all over her, my things shaking. She slowed her thrust down but not to much. My walls tightened around her cock and she groaned. She quickly pulled out and came on my stomach.

We took a minute to catch our breath and she looked at me.

"Round two??"

part 3??
not edited because i am fucking lazy
words: 861

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