❦ Reunited

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There used to be two people who fell in love and soon became a couple. The love they had for each other was strong, it almost seemed like they were meant to be, some may even say soulmates. Of course there were people who thought it was just puppy love because they started to date freshman year of high school. But at last all good things don't last long and so after being together freshman and sophomore year they broke up. Well one of them just left the other without a reason, it broke the other one's heart not knowing where his love went and the fact he never answered his messages or calls made it worse.

It has now been two years and both are starting college. Jimin was shocked when he found out he was coming back to Seoul, he didn't think he would return to the place where he found his one true love. Taehyung on the other hand had to started to forget Jimin, well at least that's what he thought.


Taehyung woke up to his alarm clock ringing like crazy. It was early in the morning and he had to make sure to put his boxes with his belongings in his car. Taehyung was excited to start a new beginning and maybe with the guy he's been talking to lately. Well he'll just have to see how things play out.

"Mom! I'm heading to campus already!" Taehyung yelled informing his mom.
"Okay honey be careful and have fun!" Taehyung's mom yelled back.

With that Taehyung finished getting everything ready and soon made his way to campus.

Jimin got up feeling a little nervous not knowing who his roommate will be. That wasn't the only thing making him feel uneasy, the possibility of maybe going to same college as Taehyung is really high and he doesn't know if how the younger will feel to see him again.

"Bye eomma and appa!" Jimin said as he made his way out his house.
"Take care Jimin!" His parents answered.


When Jimin was walking around the halls he bumped into someone and dropped one of his boxes.

"Oh god sorry! I wasn't looking," the person said helping Jimin pick up his box.
"It's okay don't worry," Jimin said taking the box from the stranger.

"My name is Jungkook, and you?" Jungkook asked scratching the back of his neck.
"I'm Jimin." Jimin said with a smile.
"Well Jimin I have to go but I hope we can be friends!" Jungkook says waving at Jimin and giving him his bunny smile.

Jimin waved back and made his way the front of office where he had to pick up his keys for his dorm.

"Hello I came to pick up my schedule and keys," Jimin said to the lady at the desk.
"First and last name?" She asked.
"Park Jimin," he replied.
"Okay here are your keys and schedule and your dorm is number 133" she said.

Jimin thanked her and made his way to his dorm. Once he was in his dorm he began to unpack and organize his stuff. The dorm was quite big with a second floor leading to their bedrooms and a bathroom in between their rooms, as for down stairs they had a kitchen and living room. For right now Jimin just hopes his roommate can maintain the dorm clean.

Taehyung ended up running a little late because there was a bit of traffic. He quickly picked up his boxes and made his way to the front office. Once he made it he was out breath and so ready to lay down on his new bed.

"Excuse me? Can I have my keys and schedule?" Taehyung asked the lady.
"First and last name?" She asked.
"Kim Taehyung," he answered.
"Okay here's your stuff and your dorm is number 133," she said.

Taehyung thanked her and started heading to his dorm. After a couple minutes he made to his dorm and opened the door. When Taehyung got inside the room he noticed his roommate was watching tv.

"Hey nice to meet you I'm-" Taehyung stopped talking when his roommate turned to face him. It can't be him.



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