❦ To Us

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It's been a couple weeks since the Jimin and Taehyung became friends Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, and Hoseok. Since then Jimin would always hang out with Jin and Yoongi whenever he could which was most of the time. Although Taehyung wasn't any different because he would also hang out with Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jungkook.

Today however the couple decided to spend time together and go to the mall. The weather was nice and Jimin wanted to buy new clothes.

"Tae why do we always end up at Gucci?" Jimin asks, they been walking around the mall but somehow always end up back at Gucci.

"Um I think it's a sign that we should go buy something," Taehyung says with a big smile. Jimin playfully rolls his," You can go babe, I'm gonna go get an ice cream." "Alright I'll meet you there in a bit, love." Taehyung says, giving Jimin a quick kiss on the cheek.

As Jimin was walking towards the ice cream shop he saw a familiar figure walking towards him.

"Hey Jimin!" Jin said with a big smile. "Oh hey Jin hyung!" Jimin replied.

"Actually good thing I ran into you I wanted to invite you to a sleepover I'm having with Yoongi tonight," "Sure I'll go, I'm sure Tae won't mind," Jimin says with a smile.

Since they were both getting ice cream they decided to go tomorrow.


While Taehyung was at Gucci he bought some new clothes for himself and of course his baby Jimin. It was quite a lot of money considering how one shirt costs more than the rent of the author. Anyways as he was making his way to the ice cream shop he ran into someone.

"Oh hey Tae," Min-Jun said, as he made his way towards Taehyung. "Minnie, how are you?" Taehyung said with a smile.

"Good, but kinda lonely because we haven't talked in a while but then again I don't think Jimin would like that," Min-Jun said with a sad smile.

"Yeah but we were friends for a long time and if I lost you as a partner then I don't want to lose you as a friend," Taehyung said.

"Then can I call you if I ever need someone to rely on?" "Of course Minnie and don't worry I'll talk to Jimin about it," Taehyung responded with a smile.

"Thanks Tae!" Min-Jun said, as he gave Taehyung a quick hug before parting ways.

Taehyung made his way to ice cream where he saw Jin and Jimin talking. He approached them and sat next to Jimin on the table.

"What's going on here?" Taehyung asked. "Oh nothing I just ran into Jin hyung while getting an ice cream," Jimin replied.

"Yup and I also invited Jimin to a sleepover tonight," Jin said.  "Ah that's great, I'm gonna go hang out with Hobi and Namjoon hyung tonight so I was worried if Jimin stayed alone in the dorm," Taehyung says. "Babe I can take care of myself but since you have plans I'll go with Jin hyung tonight," Jimin said giving Tae a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Well since I got Jimin to come tonight I'll be leaving now before you guys do the nasty in front of my ice cream," Jin said with wink before leaving.

Taehyung and Jimin giggled at the elders words.

"TaeTae be careful tonight and don't do anything dumb," Jimin said with a serious but cute face. "Love, don't worry and I'll pick you up from Jin hyung's place, alright?" Taehyung responded.

Jimin nodded and gave Taehyung a kiss.

"I trust you Tae so I know you won't do anything to upset me," "I know and I'll make sure to never lose your trust,"

The couple gave a each other a soft smile before grabbing their bags and going back home.

Short chapter today sorry. Anyways I noticed that Dumpling is getting more views and I don't understand how bc tbh it's not my best work.
~ 𝕄𝕚𝕞𝕚

~ 𝕄𝕚𝕞𝕚

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