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It's been weeks since Jimin and Taehyung got things settled and things have been great. They still haven't gotten together because they want to spend time together and catch up before getting back together.

They walk to school and their classes together, sometimes they also see Min-Jun walk by or in the halls with his friends and Jimin can't help but feel guilty. Taehyung has noticed that every time they pass by Min-Jin Jimin moves further away or won't look at him.

So today was no surprise when Jimin did the same and ignored him as they walked by him.

"Jimin wait," Taehyung says as he grabs Jimin's arm. "What's wrong Tae?" Jimin ask as he looks at him.

"That's what I'm wondering," Jimin is confused by Taehyung's words so he continues. "Jimin every time we pass by Min-Jun you look away or distance yourself. Why?" Jimin looks down, "I feel guilty for separating you guys," "Jimin it's not you're fault," Taehyung says pullling Jimin closer to him.

"Tae you know it is. If I hadn't come back to your life then you guys would still be happy together," "So you want me to go back with him?"

Jimin immediately looked up at Taehyung with wide eyes, "No! Of course I don't," "Listen I know you feel bad and trust me so do I but please don't distance yourself from me. I love you and it hurts when you do." Taehyung says holding Jimin tighter.

"I'm sorry Tae," "Its alright, love" Taehyung says and pecks Jimin's lips.


Jungkook was happily walking around the school hallways when he saw his hyung.

"Yoongi hyung!" He shouts as he runs to his hyung. "Hey kid," Yoongi says looking through his music folder.

"So are you writing a new song?" "Yup I have to meet Seokie at the music room," Jungkook smirks knowing Yoongi would call Hoseok by his first name and not a nickname.

"So Seokie huh? What happened to only calling him Hoseok," Yoongi blushes trying not show Jungkook his soft side especially when it comes to the one he likes. "He asked me to call him that so I did,"

"Oh really then how come when I asked you to call me Kookie you refused," Jungkook says with a pout and arms crossed. "Well because I just didn't want to, ok," Yoongi replies picking up his pace.

"Wow hyung that's rude," "Yeah well whatever I have to go my Seokie is waiting for me," Yoongi says as he starts to leave Jungkook behind.

"Hyung you said 'my'!" Jungkook shouts as he's now left in the middle of the hallway.

"Aish even Jimin hyung talks more to me." Jungkook mutters. Suddenly he comes up with an idea. "I'll just go see Jimin hyung instead!" He says happily heading to Jimin's dorm.

It took Jungkook about twenty minutes to get there since he went quickly to the convenience store for banana milk. Jungkook knocked on the door happily drinking his banana milk.

"Oh hey kookie," Jimin says with a smile. "Hey hyung! Is Taehyung hyung here?" Jimin shakes his head.

"Taehyung has an afternoon class so he'll come like in an hour," Jungkook nods and steps inside the dorm.

They both sit down in the living room having a bit of space in between themselves.

"So how has it been with your man?" Jungkook asks wiggling his eyebrows. "It's been amazing," Jimin says with a small blush on his cheeks.

Jungkook was gonna say something until he heard a ding from Jimin's phone.

"Speak of the devil," Jimin says as he opens his messages.

What are you doing, love?

I'm just with Kookie in the dorm

Tell him that if he kiss you again I'll kill him🔪

Tae put the knife away but I'll tell him
So what's up?

Oh right
Get ready we're gonna watch a movie, love

Alright I'll wait for you

Great see you soon 😘

Jimin smiles as he puts away his phone.

"Hyung you are so whipped," Jungkook giggles as he teases Jimin. Jimin rolls his eyes "Yeah and I actually have to get ready," Jimin says he stands up.

"Why?" "Because I have a date with Taehyung," Jimin says with a huge smile.

"Also he says that if you kiss me again he'll kill you," Jungkook giggled, "Sure hyung and by the way where are you guys going?"

"The movies!"

"The movies!"

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