❦ Friends

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It's been two weeks since Jimin and Taehyung have been roommates. That night when Jimin was crying he fell asleep on the couch, too exhausted to even walk to his own bed. Taehyung came home with the groceries and saw Jimin sleeping on the couch but looking a bit uncomfortable so he carried him to his bed and tucked him in.

Jimin didn't ask Taehyung about Min-Jun he just said someone came and asked for him but Taehyung knew who he was talking about. Although things were bad at first for Jimin now he was more happy since he met Jungkook they've been good friends. Everyday after school Jungkook would come to pick up Jimin at his dorm so they can get ice cream.

At first Taehyung thought it was good for Jimin to make friends but now he's annoyed that Jimin is always with Jungkook. He didn't know why but he just doesn't like the idea of Jimin being alone with someone else.


Jimin is sitting in his last period class spacing out. He was still thinking about what Jungkook asked him and now he's sure that he doesn't just want to be friends but now there's no chance of that ever happening.

He sighed and suddenly the class bell ranged so he started to get his things ready to head out.

"Hey Chim I'll pick you up later so we can get ice cream, alright?" Jungkook said. "Yeah I'll see you later," Jimin says as he hugs Jungkook before he leaves.

Jimin walked into his dorm finding Taehyung watching t.v on the couch.

"Let me guess you're going out with Jungkook again," Taehyung said still watching the t.v. "Um yeah I am," Jimin said going to get a snack.

Jimin was able to find some gummy's on the top shelf but he wasn't able to reach them, he was too busy trying to reach them that he didn't even feel the body behind him.

"You should be careful," Taehyung said as he pressed his body against Jimin's back and grabbing a snack. "I am and he's a close friend so I'm fine," Jimin said trying not act nervous about the contact they're having right now.

"Hm sure a close friend," Taehyung said rolling his eyes. "What's your problem anyways?" Jimin said turning around with a hand on his hip.

"Nothing I just don't know what you see in the guy?" "What do you mean? He's just a friend and we're not into each other," Jimin says eating his snack.

"So all your dates are just friendly hangouts?" "We just go for ice cream and I don't even know why I'm explaining myself to you out of all people," Jimin was starting to get irritated with Taehyung questioning him. Is he jealous?

"Well we are friends right?" Taehyung asked. "That doesn't give you any right to pick who I hangout with," Jimin said walking away.

Taehyung was going to say something else until someone knocked on the door. Jimin went to open it only to be greeted by Jungkook.

"Hey hyung you ready?" "I need to get something from my room can you come with me?" Jimin said. "Sure" Jungkook replied.

They headed upstairs and once they were in Jimin's room he locked the door and told Jungkook to take a seat on his bed.

"Is something wrong?" Jungkook asked. "Yes well no or I don't know but Taehyung keeps asking me about our hangouts thinking we're dating or something," Jimin says followed by a sigh.

"Maybe he's jealous?" "No I don't think so," the older says as he stands up. "Only one way to find out," Jungkook says with a smirk and leads Jimin downstairs where Taehyung is at.

"Wow hyung have I told how cute you look today," Jungkook says loud enough for Taehyung to hear. Once he has Taehyung's attention he places one hand on Jimin's waist and on another on his cheek,
"You're so beautiful I wish you could be mine."

Jimin blushes and looks at Jungkook shyly, "W-we should get g-going." "Yeah, let's go beautiful," Jungkook replies taking a glance at a very jealous Taehyung.

With that the duo made their way out the dorm giggling.

"Yup he's totally jealous," Jungkook says as they walk down the hallway.

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