❦ Encounters

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The new couple ended up watching two movies but Jimin fell asleep in the middle of the second one. Who wouldn't though Fifty Shades of Grey isn't really interesting. Titanic will forever be the queen.

Anyways Taehyung now noticed that it's late to drive back home so they might as well stay at his parents house. He stretches a bit before looking down at Jimin, how could he ever resent this beautiful angel. 

"My precious angel, I love you," Taehyung says, as he  pets Jimin's hair. This boy has always made Taehyung's heart beat so fast he might as well get a heart attack. Jimin is just more beautiful than any male or female Taehyung has ever met, not to mention that Taehyung is also a god himself. Wow talk about power couple.

After admiring Jimin's beauty Taehyung decides to wrap Jimin in the blanket and carries him to his room. Jimin is quite light so Taehyung doesn't have a problem carrying him up the stairs. 

Once in the room Taehyung lays Jimin down softly on the bed. He makes sure to remove his slippers and change his clothes to some of his old pajamas. Unicorn pajamas to be exact.

Smiling at how cute Jimin is, Taehyung covers him with the blanket and lays down next to him. Taehyung looks at Jimin one more time before closing his eyes and falling asleep.


The next morning Jimin woke up wrapped in Taehyung's arms and also with oversized unicorn pajamas. Cute.

"Tae..." Jimin calls out, as he shakes Taehyung. "Mmm" Taehyung says turning around.

"Babe wake up we have to leave," "Just five more minutes," Jimin scoffs knowing he really means another two hours.

"Alright I'll see if your mom is awake," Jimin says as he slips on the slippers and a robe. Taehyung only hums before going back to dreamland.

As Jimin walks down the stairs he smells something nice coming from the kitchen. As he turns the corner to the kitchen he sees Taehyung's mom cooking breakfast.

"Good morning eomma, do you need help?" Jimin asks. "Good morning sweetie and yeah you can help me," Mrs. Kim says with a smile.

After thirty minutes and not five, Taehyung wakes up and stretches. When he walks downstairs he gets hit with a sweet smell coming from the kitchen. As he goes inside he sees his boyfriend and mom joking around while eating.

"Good morning," Taehyung says as he hugs his mom and gives Jimin a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning son," Mrs. Kim says, giving Taehyung his plate with pancakes.

"So what were you guys talking?" Taehyung asks, as he takes his seat next to Jimin. " Oh nothing just things between eomma and I," Jimin says with a smile.

Taehyung nods and keeps eating. Soon after Taehyung's dad came to eat with them. They had a nice family dinner before the couple got ready to leave.

The couple left after saying their goodbyes. While on their way there Jimin got a text from Jungkook asking to meet him at a coffee shop. Jimin didn't know if it was okay to bring Taehyung along but he did anyways.


They arrived before Jungkook and ordered their drinks.

"So why did he want to meet?" Taehyung asks, taking a sip from his drink. "He said he was lonely and wanted a coffee date," Jimin replies.

Taehyung nods and keeps sipping his drink. Not long after Jungkook comes and sits next to them.

"Hey hyungs!" Jungkook says with a bunny smile. "Hey Kookie," Jimin replies.

"So did you guys order?" Jimin and Taehyung nod showing their drinks. "Oh well then it looks like it just me" Jungkook says.

While Jungkook was ordering a handsome young man came and approached Taehyung.

"Hey Tae it's been a while!" Taehyung turns and sees his hyung. "Hey Jin hyung! What are you doing here?" Taehyung says, as he gives Jin a quick hug.

"I came to get a coffee with my boyfriend but he's in the bathroom right," "Oh me too, hyung meet my boyfriend Jimin," Taehyung says, as he moves to the side so Jin can see Jimin.

As the two greet each other Jungkook comes back with his drink. Just as Jin sits down on the table with them his boyfriend comes.

"Oh Tae this Namjoon and Namjoon this Tae, Jimin and Jungkook," "Pleasure to meet you guys," Namjoon says with a smile showing his dimples.

The group pulled some chairs and sat down to chat for a while. As they were talking a person came tapped and Jungkook's shoulder.

"Hey kid," Yoongi says with another person by his side. "Hi Yoongi and Hobi hyung," Jungkook says.

Jungkook introduces Yoongi and Hoseok to the rest of the group, they all smile and greet them back.

"So why is Kookie third wheeling?" Hoseok asks with a giggle. "Well there's only one couple, I'm not sure about Jimin-ssi and Taehyung-sis." Jungkook replies.

"Actually... Tae and I are also dating..." Jimin says with a nervous smile. "Really?! And you just tell?!" Jungkook yells. Jimin nods.

The group laugh at the youngers reaction and tease him. Everyone seemed to get along so they made
plans to hang out again and exchanged numbers.

  Everyone seemed to get along so they made plans to hang out again and exchanged numbers

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