❦ Awkward

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"Tae?" Jimin asked looking a little shocked to see his ex right in front of his eyes. Taehyung stood still not believing Jimin was actually here.

"Am I still dreaming?" Taehyung asked himself as he massaged his temples. "I don't think you are because if you are then we're having the same dream," Jimin answered. Taehyung paused letting everything sink in then he looked at Jimin and his heart started playing ticks on him but he chose to ignore it. Jimin felt Taehyung's stare and all he could do was look down and feel guilty for leaving him.

Taehyung took a deep sigh and then spoke, "look we're just roommates and nothing more, what happened between us is now in the past so let's just forget it," he said rather coldly. Jimin felt his chest tightened at the words Taehyung said but was he wrong? No.

"Alright," Jimin said rubbing his arm not wanting to meet Taehyung's eyes. Although he shouldn't feel sad because at the end of the day it was him who left without saying anything to his ex lover.

They stayed quiet for a bit until they started to go their separate ways to finish unpacking.


That night Jimin had dinner by himself since Taehyung went out with someone who he guesses was just friend. Two years wasn't long enough for him to forget him, right?

Jimin just sighed and went to his room to lay down since tomorrow was his first year as a freshman in college.

"Has he found someone else?" Jimin asked himself as he was looking at the ceiling. Even after all this time he indeed still had feelings for the blond boy, each day and night Taehyung never left his mind. He just hopes Taehyung doesn't fully hate him.

"Stop being silly Jimin of course Taehyung found someone better who won't leave him out of nowhere," he said turning to his side and with that last thought he fell asleep.


Meanwhile Taehyung was with his boyfriend Min-Jun at his dorm. They were just cuddling while watching a movie but the whole time Taehyung was just thinking about Jimin.

"Babe are you okay?" Min-Jun asked his boyfriend who seemed to be spacing out. "Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine just thinking," Taehyung said gave his boyfriend a reassuring smile.  "Then stop thinking and pay attention to me," Min-Jun whined as he straddled Taehyung.

Taehyung put his hands on Min-Jun's waist and smiled, "I always give you attention," he said and kissed him. Their little kiss soon turned to a make out session but before things can get heated Taehyung pulled away. Why did he suddenly feel guilty kissing his boyfriend?

"Sorry bae but I should get going it's almost eleven and we have classes tomorrow," Taehyung said as he removed Min-Jun from on top of him. "Okay I'll see you tomorrow,"Min-Jun said giving Taehyung a quick kiss before he left.

Taehyung left and made his way to his own dorm, his head filled with thoughts and old memories.

"Forget him Taehyung now you have someone who actually loves you...right?" His head and heart weren't on the same page. Why did Jimin have to come suddenly invade his thoughts and heart once more.

Deep down in his heart Taehyung knew Jimin still occupied a special place but he didn't want to acknowledge it because no matter what happened or how he felt Jimin still hurt him and he wasn't going to let that happen again.

Once he made it to his dorm he noticed it was quiet and all the lights were off so Jimin must've fallen asleep already. Maybe avoiding Jimin around campus will help him and stop these annoying thoughts. I mean they probably didn't even have any classes together.

 I mean they probably didn't even have any classes together

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