❦ Mess

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As promised Taehyung is taking Jimin out for ice cream right after classes. Jimin feels excited because it sounds like they're going on a date but of course it's not like that because as long as he's concerned Taehyung still has a boyfriend.

Taehyung's feelings are all over the place. He still deeply cares for Min-Jun because after all he's always been there for him even before they dated. However since Jimin came back his heart has been beating non stop.

Taehyung was so much in his thoughts he didn't hear Min-Jun calling him.

"Are you listening to me?" Min-Jun asks with his arms crossed. "Sorry love I'm just thinking," sure it was true but Min-Jun felt Taehyung was hiding something else.

"You've been thinking a lot recently and not to mention you barely pay attention to me now," Taehyung looks at Min-Jun as he says that and he can see the others glossy eyes. "Babe I'm sorry-"

"Are you really Taehyung? Because it seems like you're just playing with me," Min-Jun wipes his tears before continuing, "You know I thought you loved me but now you're so cold to me and I can't help but feel like there's someone else," Taehyung grabs his hands and looks into his eyes.

"I promise there's no one else but you and I'm sorry I haven't given you the attention you need," "Promise?" Min-Jun asks. "I promise love," to reassure him he gives him a kiss.

Completely lying to himself about his feelings but he panicked when he saw Min-Jun crying so instead he said what he knew the other wanted to hear.

Taehyung was too focused on making Min-Jun happy he didn't notice that someone heard and saw the whole thing while having his own tears coming down his cheeks.


Jimin was hurting but what did he except? To Taehyung to immediately come to him and confess he still loves him? Of course not, he just hurt himself even more by getting his hopes up.

Meet me at my dorm after school

Everything ok?

No I could really use some cuddles

Ofc be there in a bit

Jimin sighed and decided to go to the store instead of staying here any longer. He went to go get some snacks for him and Jungkook.

While Jimin was shopping for snacks Taehyung went to the dorm to get ready so they can get ice cream.

Jimin got his snacks and walked home. When he made it he didn't notice Taehyung was home so he put the snacks on the table near the couch while he waited for Jungkook to come.

After a couple minutes there was a knock on the door so he went to open the door. When he opened the door he was pulled into a hug.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asks with a concern expression. "let's just hang out right now and talk about it later," Jimin says as he closes the door and gestures for Jungkook to sit on the couch.

The duo begin to have their snacks and joke around, Jungkook said they should put on a funny movie to lighten up the mood. Jimin agrees and they settle for whatever was on Netflix. A couple minutes into the movie Jungkook turns to Jimin.

"It's Taehyung isn't it?" Jimin sighs and looks down with a sad expression. "Pretty much," Jungkook cups Jimin's face and makes him look at him.

"He doesn't deserve someone as special as you hyung," Jimin doesn't say anything knowing Jungkook is probably right.

"Can I try something?" Jungkook asks and Jimin hesitates a bit before nodding.

Once given permission Jungkook brings their lips together in a slow kiss. Jimin stays still before kissing back and wrapping his arms around the youngers neck while Jungkook's hands move to Jimin's waist.

Jimin understands that Jungkook is just doing this so he can forget about Taehyung even if it's for a second. Their kiss stops when they hear someone cough, they both turn to see Taehyung by the stairs looking at them with his arms crossed.

Jungkook turns to look at Jimin, "Do you want me to leave or stay," "You can leave, I'll take care of this but thank you," Jimin leans in and whispers in his ear,"I really liked it," he teases the boy.

Jungkook rolls his eyes playfully "Oh shush," Jimin giggles and walks him to the door. "Call me if you need anything hyung,"Jungkook says before he leaves.

Once Jungkook leaves Jimin turns to face Taehyung. "So you have a boyfriend now?" Jimin just scoffs, Taehyung really has the nerve to ask that.

"I shouldn't be explaining myself to you of all people," Jimin says. "We're friends aren't we?" Taehyung replies.

"Stop using that as an excuse! I don't want anything to do you with you anymore!" Jimin yells as his anger starts to build up. "What did I do?!"

"You confuse me! I thought we still had something but I was just being stupid because you love your boyfriend and I'm just someone who came in between you guys," there's no anger in his words now just pure sadness.

Taehyung now fully understands what's happening.

" I panicked," Jimin looks at him confused, " I panicked because I knew his suspicions about me liking someone else are true. I didn't want to admit it so instead I lied to him," Taehyung admits now looking at the floor his own tears starting to fall.

"Jimin believe it or not I love you I still love you even when I shouldn't because I'm emotionally cheating on my partner. I was too much of a coward to admit it because even if I don't love him romantically I still care for him in a friendship type of way," Jimin looks at Taehyung break down right before his eyes. Out of impulse he goes and hugs Taehyung.

"Tae it's okay but you have to be honest with him," Jimin says comforting Taehyung. "I know and I will because he doesn't deserve this,"

Jimin smiles and kisses Taehyung's forehand "You know I love you too," Taehyung looks up at Jimin and smiles "I know but let's wait until I settle things with Min-Jun."

Jimin nods "so... ice cream?" Taehyung giggles, "Of course."


Did I mention there's mature scenes on the disclaimer? I actually forgot oops

Did I mention there's mature scenes on the disclaimer? I actually forgot oops

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